This thread in a nutshell (not the history, that is moved to another post:
To new people, post your quests and number your posts starting from 1 and counting up. Also, post your quests for 800-4,000 gold! See third post for more info! Don't be afraid of large postcounts, yours will build faster than you think. ;D
Most of the rest of the first post has been moved farther down the page temporarily. testing to see how a super-simple first post works. :3
LOYALTY AND DEDICATION ARE GREATLY REWARDED. So please, stick around, even if it's empty. ^_^
We are currently going through an adjustment, for this used to be a thread run just by me, gate. Having a co-owner allows us to have a better future. :3
All merged people from triple 666 will get all the prizes they would have gotten in 10,000,000 as soon as they post. ^_^
This has been needed for a long time coming, since pretty much the beginning of 2009, when the thread started to grow. Running a thread of this size by myself WHILE IN COLLEGE has been a factor in my recent poor grades (last year's grades, this years are much better, but i have a smaller courseload than i should).
Besides, this is necessary for the thread's future growth. Also, if anything happens to me, the thread won't die. ^^
Help offset the downvoting losers? i cannot put that in the title, because that would attract them in large groups.
10Mil_Peace · Thu Oct 21, 2010 @ 08:53am · 0 Comments |