(I thought it was about time to fix her up, since shes my main character and all...I'm also changing the storyline slightly.)
Username: Monako SM
Name: Monako Sunen
Age: Unknown
Race: Human
Height: 5,5
Gender: Female
Eye color: Bright emerald green
Hair Color: Indigo
Weight: 120
Info: Monako isn't from the reality others meet her in and the very shift of her being is sinful at the least. Originally in this life she was human normal to the tease besides being orphaned from a young age. One night as she wandered the streets sleepless from countless nightmares she noticed a strange eclipse taking place. Above her she saw a blood red moon this alone didn't cause her curse to suddenly appear but a fire sparked within her. One she was never meant to reopen. Monako's past was always dulled and hidden. Her memory of even her most resent life was never fully lit nor was her childhood but once she saw the moon bright as crimson her curse returned to its full bound and reclaimed its mark against her body. With memories her enemies awakened and other personalities and countless sealed creatures that flickered inside her curse. The strange animal like features she gained and the very change of her whole persona came soon after. As the memories became more lucid her bitterness grew and a gap of pain stabbed within her very soul. Countless lives before when she was merely a struggling dragon like creature she grew hostile toward her surroundings and in an attempt at surviving the environment around her she grew stronger. When this happened the leading most powerful life forces felt threatened, not just by her but by two others and destroying a creature such as this would be impossible. So the life forces sealed the two other creatures within her and lit a powerful never ending curse into her very existence and to make sure she'd never escape the curse was bound to her very soul life and essence. In doing so she was easier to kill even if her power had built up it was limited and eventually she died only to be reborn repeated her personality differing and developing into a complex maze. Awakening only part of these memories she gained an unusual hair color and a very odd stone appeared on her forehead. Besides this she also gained catlike features not because of herself but because it was the most likely features she could handle without becoming confused.
Personality: Monako's often hard headed, she enjoys getting reactions out of people and is normally bitter and overly sensitive. She'll try to appear hostile but is timid toward kindness and selflessness that others show her. She can't stand getting close to others but shes gentle toward anything that appears innocent.
Likes: Animals, Bugs, Reading, Open fields,riddles and music.
Dislikes: Taking anything, being told what to do, senseless murder (Which could be of animals or even bugs) and hugs (Apparently)
Abilities: Communicates with animals, Monako has a large ray of elemental control basic controls of fire,earth,wind,water,darkness and lightning along with lava. She can block out most telepathic attacks due to her curse and can hear faster then most humans. (With a catch)
(Although she does have a wide range of elements anyone who presents control of these elements will either be canceled along with hers or powered through against her depending on if they use their own energy within the elemental attacks)
Weapons: Claws, Teeth, Cona
Cona Info: Cona is a shape shifting weapon which can block out most sound waves and magic or energy based attacks the catch being is that with a good strong hit it can normally be smashed through so hand to hand or weapons are necessary when dealing with this sword. Point being that Cona takes in certain matter and combines it with its own metal substance. Cona can be almost unbreakable in very small forms because he compresses the matter against himself to the point where it wont break. (Which is either a very thin lair of a shield or the length of two arms outstretched and just as skinny!)Although this is true if the attack is strong enough then he will shatter and reform. Another form of Cona's is a liquid form which is easier to break through when hes defending Monako if the attack is fast enough the liquid form wont have time to harden and the attack with phrase through. Cona can't be killed but is rather harmless unless wielded by Cona or in a creature form. Cona's main weakness is the small ball that is carried within the sliver liquid metal, if it Cona will retreat. (For the sake of anyone who already hates this weapon)
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Sun and Moon
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