Honestly -_-; I'm kinda stressing right now. It's a long story and I kinda already vented in a personal journal entry, but basically school is being a pain in the a** right now and work sucks. But at least now I know what it is about work that's bothering me (so maybe I can fix it?), and I have my partner to come home to at the end of the day. Seriously, I'd be going totally insane right now if not for that.
What's really sad though is that my favorite class is the one bothering me the most at the moment. Long story short: I'm having trouble with a group project because I was forced into the topic/group, I'm not really interested in the subject, and I can't seem to connect with my group members. And then I had issues making our outside meeting. I looked for them! But seriously, how are you supposed to find anyone at a freakin' tail gate party, especially when no one answers your text messages >.> Screw football and screw this project. Seriously.
And now I need to get back to studying, because I'm borderline behind in my reading. *sigh* I'm looking forward to being done with this quarter already. Not a good sign really, but maybe the next few weeks will go over better and I can start to actually enjoy my classes again.
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An Attypical Life
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Only two items left until I finally get my dream avi! Donations much appreciated -- A million thanks to: Soul Error!