He's the younger brother Of Celcium.There brothers but they look really diffrent cause they had two fathers,cause the first father died in a great war.So when there mother got married again this guy was born but he was born 12 years after and is 12 years younger then his older brother.Also even though his older brother doesn't know he secretly knows his ambition to fight,he knows his older brother wants to kill his first fathers killer.When the time comes he will help his older brother.He also is and so is his older brother so they both won't die.When burnt they rise like phoenix out of the ash,and when cut to pieces when reassembled they form again.If there heart is cut out it will dissenagrate and they'll form a new one.Only way to officially kill them is by tearing there souls out.
Name:Narciffius (Nar-si-fee-us) Age:19
Personallity:he's defiant when given orders,cheerful and frustrated and gets angered quickly,looks up to his brother secretly but hates when compared to him,training to be stronger then his brother,can play the violin,he loves ducks and his favorite color is gold.

Art of him
Cool Art of Himby H A D 0 K 3 N
Art of him and his brother together
Him and his Brotherart by Broccoli Star
Cute art of them togetherart by Poppu-Corn
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