1. Log in to Gaia >°°<
2. Visit Purchase Gaia Cash >°°<
3. Visit Labs & activate any lab >°°<
4. Visit the Easter dev alert >°°<
5. Visit the Manga >°°<
6. Visit the Offline Events >°°<
7. Visit Gaias Blog >°°<

8. Visit the Earth Day Forest Stage >°°<
9. Visit MStylelab Hollywood >°°<
10. Visit Rally >°°<
11. Visit Towns >°°<
12. Jigsaw >°°<
13. Tiles >°°<
14. Slots >°°<
15. Blackjack >°°<
16. Pinball >°°<
17. Fishing >°°<
18. Word Bump >°°<
19. Love Faktori >°°<
20. Visit OMGPOP & select a game >°°<

21. Visit My Gaia page >°°<
22. Vote in any poll in the Easter 2011 forum >°°<
23. Edit (change & save) your profile [this does not work in 'classic' profiles] >°°<
24. Update your status >°°<
25. Send a PM [you can PM youself] >°°<
26. Quote a post [you can quote yourself] >°°<
27. Post a journal entry >°°<

28. Save an outfit >°°<
29. Send a friend request >°°<
30. Receive a gift [you can gift yourself] >°°<
31. Like <3 a thread >°°<

33. List item in marketplace (does not have to sell)
34. Buy item in marketplace
35. Bid on item in marketplace
36. Visit Shops page

37. Visit Dumpster Dive >°°<

38. Visit the Anime Player [does not work in some countries] >°°<

39. Post a trigger word: 'bunny' or 'happy easter' >°°<
40. Save your avatar >°°<
41. Get quoted [you can quote yourself] >°°<
From thread here