Saeldur (Sile-dur)
The Power
Mage Staff
Casting Spells, Learning New Magic, Dogs, Reading, Joking Around, His Family, Magic, Knowledge, Having Fun, Studying, Books, Mage Staffs, Long-Ranged Combat, Being A Leader, and Night Time
Close Combat, Not Being Able To Use His Magic, Feeling Helpless, Not Being Able To Help His Family, People Being Rude, Ignorant People, People Hurting His Family, Solitude, Being Too Serious, Bad People, and and Feeling Useless
When Saeldur and and his friends were younger they grew up together and over time his friends became his family. Saeldur is very protective of his family, he also possesses a natural ability to be a leader. Saeldur is a bookwork because most of the time you will see him reading. At first he seems to be a little stuck up and may seem to be a bit too serious. But after you get to know him you find out that he is actually a kind person that likes to have fun, but he is often distrustful of strangers especially if they get too close to his family. He would give his life to protect his family from anyone or anything that would try to hurt them. When Saeldur does his magic his hands and eyes lite up blue. He also mainly specializes with long-range combat because he stringly dislikes close combat.
User: Gamemaster86js