Lelouch went off to war with Schneizel and told me to stay behind. For days all I did was paper work and I started missing Lelouch's and Suzaku's faces. After the war was over Lelouch told the guards to lock up everyone. I was in my room alone until Suzaku walked in. He sat next to me on my bed but he was looking away. "L-luluko, before we left, do you remember what you said to me?" I nooded. Then he looked at me, "I don't mean what you said in the garden." I blushed and looked away. I didn't know what to say but then he kissed me. My eyes widen but I warped my arms around his neck and softly kissed me back. He layed me down on the bed and got on top of me. I thought to myself that this is like what me and Lelouch did. Right after I thought that, Lelouch walked in. His eyes widen and Suzaku looked up at him Then got off me. I sat up and looked at Lelouch while Suzaku left.
I held onto my knees, "I'm sorry, Lelouch. Suzaku just kissed me and pushed me down." Lelouch did say anything and walked over to sit next to me. "Luluko," He looked me in the eye. After a minuet Lelouch got up and walked out. I layed my head on my knees and started to cry.