I am probably the only one who knows this right now, but Soul Calibur has finally got 5. Yes, I said it. There will be a SCV nest year (2012)! I am so excited! I can't wait! I saw the characters and they are pretty cool look, especially Tira. Xianghua and Kilik are nowhere to be seen so that means I will have to acquire new fighters. It might be the "I have no parents because I am poor" girl. Wuss. Anyway, Maxi hasn't aged a bit, nor has Ivy. I find Maxi to be really sexy right now. LOL. Oh, and this is 17 years after SCIV. IKR?! He must really be healthy. Oh, and Misuturgi (however you spell his name) has a BROTHER!!! WHO KNEW?! Yeah, but I am looking forward to seeing my people again. It would be cool if Kilik and Xianghua came back and hadn't aged a bit. Oh! And had children. That would be awesome. Oh, and Talim should be like... 30 -something. IDK. But she might have had a son. There is this one guy in the game that doesn't like to talk about his family, but he has tan skin (like Talim) and weird hair (like Yung Seung). He also has a badass attitude and weilds a weapon similar to Talim's. So there you have it. Still can't wait for the game. I would love to play it. I am SO going to go back home just so I can buy it. Then play it. Then hide it. Then play it some more. LOL. Can't wait!!!
