Omg wow i've been dead, but fear not I have returned to love you all once more.
June- MetroCon was awesome, can't remember much, but the rave was sick.
July- Uncle passed away but life has gotten back to normal now. No longer sad but i miss him.
August- Went to AFO big post coming. First off~ :iconofficersmooth: and :iconofficerlollipop: it was good to see those two again! I’m always giddy when I’m able to hug reoccurring people especially when I stalk them on dA.
Second off- :iconrealdandy: I luffles you! I bought a signed print from her. She is a such a sweet art, go read her comic and stare at her art, go do it!
I met some really awesome artists i hope to see at the next con I attend which should be ShadoCon cross your fingers kiddies. I’ve added a new cosplay to my list, since Salem was a bust, I’m gonna do a nice simple one, Claudia from Silent Hill. Crazy heretical woman who loves god, simple enough right? and you never see different silent hill cosplays just the nurses and pyramid head. Then after Claudia it’ll be Lithuanian! 8D, I mostly did the panels, they were much fun, and you never know what can happen at a panel.
I also love it when I know at least three people who work at con staff, because of my buddy who was working the door for the rave, i got to go in without having to stand in line, it was awesome! After the rave me :iconmasterlupa:,:iconfrizzchan:, and :iconkasashimaru: when to the pool to cool off, that is where we met the attractive Red spy, I don’t know how to spell his real name, so he will be refereed as RS, he was adorable and it was even cuter when we moved locations in the pool, RS carried Frizz in his arms. The pool got crowded fast and became a manly pool party when this entire group was in the water hitting a ball around trying to keep it from hitting the water.
I left the pool party early my stomach was being all “hahahah b***h VERTIGO!” so i changed in to my pjs then i went for a walk and chilled on a stone wall, that is when a group of wasted partyers came up to me and began to flirt with me. It was cute and goofy, i waved them off because the girl offered me her cig and got lost in my nipples apparently. It was for a good laugh.
There was one thing that made me sadface, as I headed to a game show panel walking right past me, was Gambit instead of being the fangirl that i am, I just continued to walk. And that was a bad move because afterwards I could no longer find him. So I no get to hug my sexy mutant :iconsadfaceplz:
All in all, besides some drama in the hotel room, the weekend was great, I enjoyed it very much, went to the Drrr panel befriended a Shizuo, he was so cool, I ate food with him.
So here are all of the items I bought.
L4D first aid pack /w peelz
Cat n** poster
two MLP key chains
1 button
New head band
Air soft gun
Gamer girl bag
and that is really it.
I hope that everyone who went to AFO had an awesome time. Can’t wait for next year!
Up next, Conventions I shall be attending in a month and the coming year.
ShadoCon 2011-
Cons of 2012:
Joda (Oc)- Completed.
Gaia Avatar (Oc)- Completed
Salem (Oc)- Canceled
Lithuania (Hetalia)- 0% complete
Claudia (Silent Hill 3)- 0% complete
September nothing interesting happened, started school.
October- So this past weekend October 7th to the 9th was my birthday I just recently turned 18 hurrah for me! Anyway so for my birthday we attended Spooky Empire Horror convention. I love going every year, it’s fun. But this time around my fun-loving experience was cut short by seeing one person. A girl who had graduated last year was attending the con. If I see her at any other con it’s fine, i say hi and everything but here is the thing, she is an anime lover and uses anime conventions to dress like a slut. She decided to attend a horror con dressed as a slutty nurse with some blood splatter that’s not very horror like to be frank. I felt sick to my stomach, that this little b***h would step in to my territory of love and expect to walk around unnoticed, honey no amount of make-up can hide your ugly mug from the world, and your boyfriend is to much of a douche bag for him not to be noticed by someone. Some would call me a hypocrite but that’s not the case, I love both Anime and Horror cons because I can be apart of the crowd in both, I know how to mingle with the bleach group then turn around and talk torture with the horror booth that sells fake props. It is how you carry yourself at Conventions with a theme, but this girl can’t hold herself in a Horror Con and I just wished I could have tripped her and threw her out of the Vender’s room in to the rain. That would have made my day.
In other news, on Monday during the 8 minuets we have between classes, a girl spat in some kid’s face and he reacts by throwing her to the ground, causing her head to bleed out. What kind of guy does that kinda of s**t!? I mean really.But from what I heard he was also apart of ROTC so they might hit him harder than the police will. You never harm anyone in uniform, that is just dishonor to the entire program not to mention the military itself. what has this generation come to when, everything is resorted to violence, it’s a sickening sight to see to be honest, sure I get angry and want to punch someone, but I never do, I’m not a violent person and no one else should be either, it solves nothing but causes more problems for the attacker and the victim.
So now today October 16th, just trying to keep you updated with as much as possible it’s been two months since AFO, how have my reader’s been? Anyway I’ve been doing quite well lately. School started up been working hard in all my classes. In case you’re wondering what my classes are. They go as followed:
Algebra 2
Ceramics 1
Enjoying all of my classes except English, that teacher is noting but a… well it’s not her personally it’s just her teaching style. But besides that one little thing, school is very enjoyable this year.
So if you weren’t sure before, I play the world of Warcraft, if you want to hang out in-game, check me out on moon guard either on Saalem or Gwendyd. Horde side of course. The reason i mention WoW is because I’ll be apart of a radio station called “Fire Mage Radio” as a host. I’m still working with the manager learning the software i need. You can find out more at
Halloween is around the corner and I’m excited! I’ll be going to a lot of parties and haunted houses, even a furry Halloween party it’s gonna be kick a**! Still looking for a job, going for my driver’s test of Tuesday so it’s all coming together slowly. I’m sorry still, for not updating in like forever but I hope i did my best by recapping the past week. I’ll try to update on a regular basis.
Until next entry see you all soon!
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“Be bent, and you will remain straight.
Be vacant, and you will remain full.
Be worn, and you will remain new.” ~Lao Tzu
Gwendyd on dA

Be vacant, and you will remain full.
Be worn, and you will remain new.” ~Lao Tzu
Gwendyd on dA