Return to the previous floor (just use Galestorm while standing on the lift to make it ascend one level) and head to the room where the sparring imps were gathered. With the permission slip in hand, you can now participate in sparring matches. Talk to one of the two guards along the back side of the room and agree to the terms. You have to win five matches, which should be a breeze for you by now. When you finally emerge the victor, you'll receive the Skeleton Key from the guard. Now you can open every door in the area.
Return to the first floor now and make your way to the prison cells where Kurow is kept. Use the key on the back wall in the far right cell to free Kurow and receive some experience points. Open the cell just to the left and receive still more experience points. Use a Cherry Bomb on the weak back wall to reveal an opening. Pass through it to access the next cell to the left. Open that cell's treasure chest for the Exorcism item. Next you should open the cell on the room's far left side. There's no item in it for you, just more experience points.
Now head back to the main room and descend to the lowest of the floors that you've explored, the one with the red brickwork that means hidden passages. Return through the dead-end wall to the large, circular room. Open the doors there and you can obtain the Divine Sake L, the Holy Arrow F and the Snake Fig. from the treasure chests. Along one side of this room, there's a wide gap leading over a purple sea of ooze. Have Kurow cross that gap. Follow him, then use Vine magic to attach a hanging platform to an overhead hook. You'll cause the statue on the back wall to open its mouth and a ledge will extend to your current location. Walk across that ledge and pass through the statue's mouth.
You will appear now in a spectacular treasure room as a new scene unfolds. After the scene ends, you can grab treasure from the chests. Take the Lucky Coin, the Masterpiece Part 4, the Seashell and the Golden Imp Mask from the chests, then head back up to the chamber with the conveyor belt (the second floor down from the very top floor in this dungeon). Head to the room's left side. Head down along that left side and you'll reach a pit. Cross the pit with Kurow's help and continue down along the left side of the room to find a treasure chest. Open it for the Soul Sake. Now head toward the top side of the room and talk to the imp standing on the bridge over the belt. Hand over the Golden Imp Mask that you obtained from the lowest floor and in exchange, you'll receive Orochi's Secret Stash.
Now that you have the stash, head out to the room with the lift and return to the very top floor. Save your progress on the save pedestal, then talk to the guard who blocks the long passage leading up to the higher area. You'll hand over the sake and he'll fall asleep. That leaves you free to advance along the passage that he was guarding. Do so, then examine the trick wall at the end to pass through it and into a new room. There, you'll find patrolling enemies. Sneak past them, head up the short set of stairs and then left along the ledge. You will ascend for quite some time before finally arriving at the scene of a battle. It unfolds as you watch.
During the scene, there will come a point where you need to manage stylus swipes across the screen. You'll be responsible for seven of them. Remember the strategy: press the 'L' button just after a swipe appears and follow up with a slice of your own along the path shown (and in the direction that the example swipe crossed the screen). When you manage all seven properly, the sequence of events will proceed. If you mess up, you'll have to start fresh.
After everything unfolds, you'll appear in a new location... and a new time period.
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