I am SOOO happy! my plans for watching my very first show of this year were kinda ruined when i found out that the thing i usually watch on saturdays nights at 12 wasnt on that night...... but! i went to the computer and now the very first show i saw for this year was...:
i love that anime! its suuuuper funny! my fav episode was the second one, just because of the fact that haruhi goes nuts and rolls of a desk, and even falls down the steps! xd
also, ever since a little while ago when i got a kindle for christmas (but i got it on new years so technically its: since new years), i cannot stop thinking about hetalia!!! the first search i did on my kindles browser was: Sgt frog in america (because i would kill to see sgt frog on cartoon network here and not just EVERYWHERE else)
and one link that i saw was: Sgt frog and general america
i clicked it and found fanfiction.com. before then id never even thought about searching hetalia (though i had heard of it) and so i decided to search it, and now ive already finished reading all the manga and extras and ive already seen the first two seasons, the movie trailer, and the first 29 episodes of season 3...
help me!!! whee
i already LOVEY america, england, italy and spain, or as i like to call him: espana.

i now have a personal website.