Ϣhere ever you may try to hide, Ӎy gaze is behind you
Ϣhether or not you flee to the ends of the earth, Ȋ stand before you
Ƞo matter how much you try to forget me, Ȋ lurk within you
Ȋ know you better than Δnyone,
Ȋ am under your §kin.
Ϣhether or not you flee to the ends of the earth, Ȋ stand before you
Ƞo matter how much you try to forget me, Ȋ lurk within you
Ȋ know you better than Δnyone,
Ȋ am under your §kin.
☢Once upon a nightmare...
You dare not speak: ζeonard Ɍenero Ƀalteus
So you murmur: I am Alpha, or Nero.
I was once born: Female
I am Reborn: I am as of now an Other.
The clock ticked: Twenty Six Times.
I know my place, I am a: Ruthless Δζρћᾳ.
Oh, you’ll just love me!:
- Leon, Ren or Nero is probably as reserved as a conscious creature could possibly be. She remains silent unless talked to, and even then it is most probable that she won't answer unless the information is absolutely crucial to their existence. If there is ever any conversation whatsoever it would only be with her beta who she rarely converses with. Due to this withdrawal from reality and her own kind, it is not uncommon that a large number of the subordinates have yet to hear her voice.
Leon is almost like a living doll. She is completely devoid of emotion even when slaughtering or torturing those she finds 'unworthy' of becoming an Other.
However that eery emotionlessness may dissipate within the blink of an eye if one of the wrong buttons is pushed during a 'silent conversation'. If such a thing were to occur, death surely wouldn't be far behind.
Hate fuels her existence and runs deep within her veins, it is probably the only emotion she can still feel after her mutation ripped her humanity away.
☢Oh Me?
Let me tell you what I would spare: Apart from slaughtering The they, not much peeks her interest. The only thing is maybe empty wide open spaces.
And what I wouldn't not: Obviously the they, who she finds to be mistakes of nature and humans who she finds to be insignificant insects striving to be more than they truly ever were in this damned world.
In my spare time I: She doesn't exactly go for walks in the parks on saturdays. She is an Δζρћᾳ. She kills, slaughters, mutates other creatures and... for some odd reason seems to from time to time linger staring off at random objects as if something isn't right. She doesn't respond to speech when she enters her half conscious state but a simple touch snaps her back easily enough.
☢ Curiosity killed the Cat...
Dubious abilities?:
It is known that the Infected can mutate some aspects of their bodies or revert them if they are powerful enough. The alpha, however, can do much much more. Leon can completely reform her bone structure as well as her D.N.A to make a few arrangements to suit her tastes. She can even absorb materials to mutate along with them such as knives lying around. From changing her blood to acid, to turning into elite abominations... She did not become an alpha for nothing simply for her murderous looks.
Memories of a past life?:
Her distant memories have been broken, shattered into fragments if not glimpses of what they could have been. All this due to the mutation having completely changed her, probably mostly her psychological state. She knows her old name, but remembering hurts far more than any torture or wound from a battle she could ever have experienced.
All she knows was one day she was "born" with a purpose to kill the they. The pathetic humans thought to use her like a tool?! How arrogant, but she taught them well for making such a mistake.
She was made to destroy and reclaim, so destroy and conquer she shall.
Im So Mutated!: The OTHER
Im : Bisexual
Is that it?: In case you had missed it, her eyes are mismatched. One is a bloodthirsty red and the other a melted golden.
Whisper in my ear...: Mononoke-sama