Moira Blaine
Moira was born to a human father and an angelic mother. She was raised to become what, in her culture, is known as a Guardian. When the time came, she would be given to a man of great honor and bloodline to continue on the legacy of her people and protect a sacred item this man would possess. But, when the moment came to give herself to the man whom had been chosen for her, she fled. She had wanted more out of life than just a cold marriage and the life of a sacred virgin.
She traveled for many months before coming across the Crimson Mist Tavern. The place seemed well enough to her, as did the company of one Keiichi. He brought to life all sorts of things in her that she didn't understand, but was more than determined to learn.
__[N o b o d y___k n o w s___t h e___t r u e___m e___a n y m o r e.

【Ѵȋѻℓα Dȓαӄє】
Slytherin/Seventh Year

S h e___w a s___l o c k e d___a w a y___a___l o n g___t i m e___a g o.]