Username: Poleklaws
Submission: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVLjivAsF2w&feature=youtu.be
Downloadable Link http://vocaroo.com/i/s06jCp8gkbrZ
Why did you pick this song?: It was an easier song to sing then the others, because It has less words to it, repeats it self, And I knew this one better then the other ones as well..
Username: Dino-Toy
Submission: Linkkkkkyyy
Downloadable Link Linky
Why did you pick this song?: This was the only song I was familiar with,I couldn't finish the song because I was unable to
I hope that is alright but I am sick so I hope this was good for a sick person who was singing. My throat started hurting really bad so I stopped in the middle or else I could have lost my voice, I am not suppose to be singing or talking but no matter what I am very dedicated to the things I start and I am not going to let anything get in the way of my success, unless I don't make it to round 3 but success to me would be at least making it to the final's
Username: The Pink Piper
Submission: Route 66
Downloadable Link http://vocaroo.com/i/s0W8Mx7G1evx
Why did you pick this song?: I have always been a fan of oldies music. In fact, I follow an oldies band who performs this song. So I decided to give it a try.
Username: CherrelAnn
Submission: clickyclicky
Downloadable Link clickyclicky
Why did you pick this song?: I chose Wide Open Spaces by Dixie Chicks because it's a song my mom and I would sing together when I was little. Well, we sang to Dixie Chicks in general. I love them! heart
Username: mrs jeepers5
Submission: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0TgC1yhW3fz
Downloadable Link Same link as above. emotion_awesome
Why did you pick this song?: I was a big Dixie chicks fan way back when. also the last tag lines were really high and they put too much strain on my voice, so I didn't do them. emotion_8c Don't hate me ;o;