It was probably the faint moon and the radiant stars that got me, but for sure I knew that the clouds of gray certainly took my attention most of all. Yet really, it was the color of the sky, a dark indigo. Quite the opposite of orange, don't you think?
I've never seen an indigo sky over my house, ever. Even on the winter nights. Why did the indigo show it's color tonight of all nights? Today was the most humid, muggiest day in California, does the crisp night need to be so beautiful in order for the weather to say sorry?
Aside from my curiosity, I reflected on life in that moment my neck ached to stare completely up, my throat parched from sleeping on another meal-less day. Day by day, everyone's forgetting that there's dew drops on the grass tips each morning. That the sun is red when it sets. That spider webs are being embroidered. That the night sky doesn't glow with orange, it's stays indigo.
I've become on of those people, typing this entry on a site I spend so much time on for entertainment, because I don't have a lot of friends in life. I do, infact, enjoy every inch of this site and the internet in general. I am that stay-inside kind of person.
Today was a tad different, I had to go to Costco with my mom, aunt, and siblings. So we're strolling through Costco, I feel really stuffed for some reason. It's the biggest store and I feel stuffed and cramped? Kind of like the side stage at a show when Memphis May Fire plays, they obviously need the main stage. Everything is completely fine, so I just believed that it was my psychosis again. Until I saw these two Chinese girls. Now Asians are known for being extremely thin and skinny, so I wouldn't be surprised to see that these girls are such a healthy kind of skinny.
But then I concluded why I felt so cramped and stuffed. I looked around me, and realized that everyone was either obese, or larger than a size M. Everyone looked so unhealthy, and everyone was clutching their phones close. I nearly wanted to tell my sister about it, but she was too busy playing a game on her phone...
Afterwards, it gets even better, we stopped for some pizza. But the first thing I took note of was the dusk sky. A pastel blue sky with pink clouds shrouded over the sky, and gray clouds dusted with maroons, ambers, and magentas to reflect the sun. I took my phone out to take a picture of it, but the screen wouldn't illuminate. The first thing that went through my mind was... Every phone I get glitches because I use it too much. And I repeated that. I use it too much.
So that was one of the few days I've gone outside. Although, every summer, every night, I have to take my dog out to the backyard so we don't end up finding drops of s**t around the house in the morning. I have to follow her outside so she doesn't have a seizure without someone knowing. I have to go outside, every night. I'm content with this, there's no sun, there's no heat, it's just the dark, cold night. I've learned every area that a family of spiders reside, the type of spiders they are, and how many spiders they've got.
I have a fascination with spiders, they're beautiful to me, I admire their anatomy and abilities to scare a person. But anyway, you get the idea, I know the nick of night in my backyard. But it wasn't until tonight that I found the sweet, indigo sky hover over me.
It was as if my own music box theme music started playing, something started to happen the moment I laid eyes upon this sky. I don't know what happened, but I felt like... call me crazy... I was given a message. This message, that I'm typing now. That everyone's forgetting the outside, day by day, everyone is paying more attention to their phones, computers, media, social networks, and etc.. I might sound like a teacher right now... but basically everyone seems to be obsessed with their electronics. Including me.
I guess I can't do anything about it than watch the night skies lose their indigo, and let it turn into a natural orange.
I guess I can't do anything about it than watch the people on this planet lose their selves to the not-so-bright future.