═══════════ | Basic Information | ═══════════
Character Name: Your Character's Name
Nickname(s): Your Character's Nickname(s)
Gender: Male or Female
Age: How Old Is Your Character
Height: Height in Inches and Feet
Weight: Weight in Pounds
══════════ | Personal Information | ══════════
Personality: Describe the personality of your character. How they act. What the hell's wrong with them. Etc.
Likes: Obvious
Dislikes: Obvious
Miscellaneous Skills: Unique things your character can do.
Sexuality: Heterosexual, Homosexual, etc.
═══════════ | Background Information| ═══════════
• Father
• Mother
• Brother/Sister
History Write up of your character's past up until now.
═════════ | Weapons & Equipment | ═════════
Weapon(s) Name(s): Insert Name(s) Here
Weapon Abilities: Describe what your weapon(s) can do.
═════════ | Abilities| ═════════
Character Ability(ies):
• Power - Description
• Power - Description
• Power - Description
═════════ | Credits | ═════════
Played by: Your username here
Photo Creator (s): If you used pictures, please list the authors here for proper credit where it is due. If you don't know who created it, list "Author Unknown", and cite where you found the picture
Date of Creation: When you finished creation of the profile
Other Contributors: Anyone/Anything else that helped in the creation of the profile, directly or not. (Inspiration sources get listed here as well