Basic Information
Full Name: Vlastic Kruschev
Nicknames: Static, Kush
Pilot Call Sign: Logic
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Birthday: 07/15
Ethnicity: White, Nyxian
Misc Features: None worth noting.
Personal Information
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single and Ready to Mingle
Personality: Vlastic is a very calm and professional person on a daily basis. It takes a good bit of stupidity and ignorance to piss him off, at least while he is sober. Like any good Russian, Vlastic enjoys his vodka, but knows when enough is enough and can still control himself for the most part. Outside of his job, Vlastic is a very laid back, chill individual, known to occassionally smoke pot and flirt with women he finds attractive. At the end of the day, however, Vlastic is a gentleman and will not do anything that will seriously offend present company....usually.
Team Loyalty: Neutral[
- Vodka
- Lame People
Nasty Women
- Running out of vodka.
Waking up next to an ugly woman.
Losing his job.
- The be a legend.
To settle down with a nice attractive girl.
To drink more Vodka.
Born in the motherland of Nyx under the watchful eyes of Big Brother, Vlastic Kruschev was a promising military studies student. His childhood is a mystery, due to the fact that during his time in the military many of his records were purged from even the top secret records. Vlastic still knows his parents, or did at least, and where he came from, but his life in Nyx is not something he shares often. To date, no one is known to know the history of Vlastic, or at least as well as he knows it.
Early on Vlastic showed promise as a Zoid pilot with the Nyxian military. However, due to Vlastic's use of recreational drugs he was kicked out of the military and was forced to make his own way. For a short while he was accepted as a Zoid Pilot Instructor in Dolpoi, but again that did not last long. Eventually he was picked up by the Olympia Gran Prix commission and trained as a judge after his pilot skills were evaluated as exceptional. Vlastic now judges and referees Zoid matches while trying to relax as much as possible in his down time.
Curriculum Vitae
Primary Job: Head Judge
Secondary Job: Soldier
Currently Contracted Team: Unaffiliated
Former Employment:
- Full-Time Soldier
Zoid Instructor
Theme Songs: Battle Born by Five Finger Death Punch