An apology for no short story. I'm leaving for california this friday though, and I'll write as many as I get the chance to while there.
Until then, a conversation between my little sister and myself about how to take pills without water.
[17:43] goku20147: chocolate
[17:43] Kai Arrein: chocolate?
[17:43] goku20147: chocolate
[17:43] Kai Arrein: Chocolate.
[17:43] goku20147: chocolate ^_^
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Gaian works of a Creative mind
Random stuff mostly. Once a week maybe I'll post a short story (no longer 'usually untitled') that just pops into my head, written on the fly. Comments are encouraged. Share thoughts, questions, and maybe even write your own continuances.
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[OOC][/OOC] isn't a tag, but damnit it should be!
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43 muscles to frown, 17 to smile... only 3 for proper trigger squeeze. :3
Current RP Main
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43 muscles to frown, 17 to smile... only 3 for proper trigger squeeze. :3