Capt. Deep slipped into her red covers, and waited for Will to join her in her quarters. She waited for nearly half of an hour, and Will did not show up, but before she could go up to him and ask him to come down to the bedroom, she drifted off into sleep and didn’t wake up until morning. She looked around, and the only one in her room besides her was her bird. She got up and prepared herself for another day.
Her bird awoke due to the noise she made and cawed to say “good morning” to his master. He flew out onto the deck, and Capt. Deep stretched to wake up. She looked over to her couch where Will slept, but he wasn’t there. “I suppose he woke up early.” Capt. Deep said to herself, and then she walked out onto the deck.
Dojer was carrying a pail of sea water over to a side of the ship when Capt. Deep spotted Will at the bow once more. Dojer threw the water into the sea, and Capt. Deep walked over to her. “Doer, has Will been standing at the bow all morning?”
“Ever since I woke up, but I’m not sure if that’ll help you at all. I just woke up two hours ago.” Dojer said.
“I thought I talked to you about oversleeping!” Capt. Deep snapped.
Dojer smiled and rubbed the back of her neck. “Yes, well, I was very tired last night; after all you had asked me to do a lot of things.”
Capt. Deep rolled her eyes. “Listen; do you know who the first crew member awake was?”
“Well, Robert woke me up when he jumped from the bunk above me, but I don’t know if he was the first one awake. He was up early though.” Dojer explained. “Now I’ve got to clean my sword, I’ll have to talk to you later.”
Capt. Deep found Robert scrubbing the floorboards in the crewmates’ quarters. “Robert, when you went out on deck was your captain at the bow?” Capt. Deep asked the boy.
“I believe so. He looked intent on something, like there was something there but no one could see it.” Robert said. “I hope that helps you Capt. Deep.”
Robert was the youngest crew member in Will’s crew. At the age of 16, he had dreamed of pirating since he was 12. He had short blonde hair, and blue eyes.
Capt. Deep thanked him and headed out onto the deck. Will was standing at the bow, and he seemed more uptight than the night before.
“So, what happened last night?” Capt. Deep asked.
“Shouldn’t you be t the wheel Rina?” Will asked, elevating himself on his toes a little to get a better view.
“Charlie is at the wheel, and now I want you to answer me please.” Capt. Deep said. “You said you were going to come to bed, but it sounds like you stayed out here all night.”
“I said I would go down to bed when I felt better, and I haven’t felt better all night.” Will said. “But I think I found out why.” Will said as he pointed to the horizon.
Capt. Deep stood up next to him and looked out where he was pointing. There was a small rock formation on the horizon, but Capt. Deep waved it off. “That should be easy to go around. We’ll just draw the sails and sail through manually.” Capt. Deep said. “Now get on down to the bedroom, you need some sleep. Sleep in my bed or on the couch; whichever you prefer.”
Will looked at her, and then smiled. “I suppose you’re right Rina. I’ll see you in a few hours then.”
Capt. Deep hugged him and then he headed down into the bedroom. Capt. Deep made her way through the working pirates and up to the wheel. Charlie stepped aside so she could sail her ship. “Charlie, climb the riggings and start pulling in the sails. I’ll get everyone else to help you in a moment.”
“Aye Captain.” Charlie replied.
As he ran down the steps, Capt. Deep called out to the pirates on deck, “Alright you scallywags, I want as many of ye as needed up on the riggings and drawing up the sails.”
Pirates dropped what they were doing and ran up to the riggings to draw the sails. Within fifteen minutes the red sails were clinging to the masts.
Capt. Deep could see the rock formation getting closer and closer still to the ship, and she told the crew to go back to their chores that they had begun before. Capt. Deep was up on the rock formation when she felt the ship being pulled to the left. She wanted to go around the rocks on the right side, but something was pulling them to the left…
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