oooookkkkkkk DOOMMOO HAADDO GEEII DEESUUUUUU sorry ive been so lazy with the journal entrys ookaaaaaaayyy ok i guess ill start off with my trip to comiccon XD it was awsome i cosplayed as monkey d luffie from onepiece me gots lots of pictures me and my friend troy went on aaa monnntaaaaaajjjjj and started running about the convention center he ran behind me with a pair of speakers playing eandom anime and jpop themes while i was dancing about through comiccon wee also went running around while having music from pirates of the carribian playing XD lols next year me and my friend are planning a team called team waffle but thats all you get to know about that XP. after comiccon i watched my friend troys house while he and his parents went on a trip to kansas i made 100 dollars WOOT! today me and my friends pulled an all nighter playing dnd and warcraft.
Community Member
After i got off the phone with you I crashed. SO nyeh!