Total Value: 25,988 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
SuperStar Purple Skirt
Knot Purple Top
Flashion Purple Star Stockings
Crimson Mink Shoes
Soft Blue Underwear
Blacklight Tube Top
Magical Girl

Item List:
Blue Hibiscus Pajama Shirt bought biggrin
Celestial Wrap donated heart
Elemental Hair bought biggrin
Soft Black Underwear bought biggrin
Winter Rose bought! heart
not going for the fairy wings, can't see them with my avi.
Estimated Total: 80,920 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 01 March 2007)
I want this! ninja

Item List:
Angelic Microphone donated heart
Elegant Veil bought heart
Fresh Taj Shoes bought
Grey University Skirt bought
Grey University Uniform Top bought
Gwee the Dragon donated heart
Leather Collar with Cross
Whip of Ice bought heart
Estimated Total: 68,655 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 21 August 2006)

Item List:
#000000 Complex Band bought
Black Stockings bought
Drop Dead Gorgeous Twilight Heels bought
Grey University Uniform Top bought
Whatever Gray Jean Skirt bought
Estimated Total: 2,974 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 08 November 2006)