My sister went to Nova Scotia to visit our aunt and uncle. They also went to Prince Edward Island. And my sister got my an "Anne of Green Gables" mug. whee
 I love it. heart It tells a story, too. I mean, it tells the story of how Anne first came to Avonlea.
I've enjoyed the Anne books since I was a kid. I was thrilled to learn that "Anne of Green Gables" was on the reading list when I took a Children's Literature course last year. Huzzah! I am happy.
School is done, Work almost is
I had my exam on August 12th...Unfortunately, I was out working in the field that week, so I didn't have much chance to study. sweatdrop But hey, I did pretty well overall in the course. whee I was just really worried about it because the week of it I was working pretty much the whole day and night, with no time to study. The night before was a big barbeque for the people at work, and therefore I didn't have time to study then...^^;; I didn't do as well as I'd like to, but considering the circumstances, I'm satisfied.
Speaking of which, the barbeque was really nice. One of the managers, who is always really serious, was singing and playing guitar. This really intense guy brought his two-year-old, and was a very loving father. They kind of threw me for a loop. xd It was a great time, though.
Then I went to another barbeque this weekend. Got to see a lot of old high school friends I hadn't seen in awhile. heart
I really like Gwee. She's (she looks like a girl, not a boy!) actually alive, and not a plushie. Hnnn. whee
Which reminds me, I need to get some more dragons...
I wrote up whole background stories for Ashiepattle and Chime. But the Guild I wrote them in went through a revamp, and so I lost my stories. xd Oh well. I made up one of the unhatched Harrekki, who the creator promised me would hatch sometime. I'm still waiting. wink
I'll just post their pictures here again, because I'm sure they're feeling ignored. ninja

Dragon love. heart
Shatterglass · Sun Aug 27, 2006 @ 11:05pm · 2 Comments |