~Ultimate Dream Avatar~

Item List:
Alice's Crimson Dress
Angelic Halo
Flower Wrist Band
Missy Ruby Shoes
Pearl Earrings
Pink Strapless Bra
Sno Yeti Pillow Plush(chillin')
Soft Pink Underwear
Solar Headdress
Staff of the Angels
Total Estimated Price: Unknown
Yeah, the Angelic Halo makes it Unknown... sweatdrop
~What I'll Settle For Avatar~

Item List:
Alice's Crimson Dress
Flower Wrist Band
Missy Ruby Shoes
Pearl Earrings
Pink Strapless Bra
Sno Yeti Pillow Plush(chillin')
Soft Pink Underwear
Solar Headdress
Staff of the Angels
Estimated Total: 159,365 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 22 September 2006)
I'll settle for that... until they figure out what a halo costs. I really love that gal!!
~Light Avatar~

Item List:
Angelic Pendant
Angelic Sash
Elegant Veil
Elegant Veil
Felicia's Gloves
Staff of the Angels
Estimated Total: 4,802,034 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 06 September 2006)
Good god!!!
~Dark Avatar~

Item List:
Alice's Emerald Dress
Dark Halo
Demonic Pitchfork
Jacked Up Cape
Witch Cape
Estimated Total: 173,500 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 06 September 2006)
That's reasonable I suppose.