Well, at least today wasn't exactly like yesterday!! mrgreen I woke up (again duh) I (again) managed to go down-stairs, every week I'm alone but today was Saturday but STILL my mum was out shopping with my aunt (her sister). Dad was out doing some work. I switched on the t.v and watched... eek ....i forgot... eek . I am such a baka!!! (idiot) sweatdrop . Anyway, apparently my brother was out because he went to buy us some take-away stuff and because it was already noon (yes i woke up at 11:30 sweatdrop ), we ate. Then I went up-stairs again and played the sims until my mum and my aunt came back. i went down-stairs to greet them. i was sitting on the sofa when the phone rang. It was my bff Maeama!!! So she called to come over and she did!!! And she is right next to me right now!! mrgreen . So I gotta go now!! 4laugh mrgreen 3nodding blaugh biggrin