And people have already given me presents! surprised
I shall list them here, so that everyone can see how great my friends are. whee
Bittersweet_3: a Platinum Gray Pinstripe Vest! This gift was extra sweet, because she didn't even know me, and gave me such a thing anyway! surprised heart We're now friends. whee
Nemora: a Blue Paper Crown, a Green Paper Crown and 10 Pink Daffodils! The same as Bittersweet_3, she didn't know me, but gave me presents anyway! ^o^
Holy Slayer: a Pink Daffodil - Red Bouquet with Yellow Ribbon, and 2500 gold! Thanks a lot, I didn't have that bouquet yet! =D
ralwatt: I got an amount of 4324 gold! =O That's great! ^o^
luze: I got some really beautiful art from luze! Scroll down to see it! heart
Ginger Biscuit: Wonderful Ginger Biscuit ordered some art with the two of us on it! And it turned out ubercute! ^3^ Scroll down to see it!
Silent Mobius: She gave me the Orange Torque Shades! =3 Yay!
OLDHAG: Oh wow! I got a birthday cake from her! (Strawberry Cheesecake) xD
Nefara: I got 10 Blue Daisies, and on top on that HIPster Blue Tint Shades! =O
[ Hani ]: She gave me a BSS Top! whee heart
Dune Leona: His present for me was a 1000 gold! ^o^
DarkLynx9701: eek heart She gave me Red Wine Pimpin' Platforms!
Lady Ananas:I got 1200 gold from this lovely lady! heart
Vaguely_Imaginary: Yay! A Black Web Bustier! Nice! =D
Nya-chan: Wohoo! She got me Stealth InfraRed Sleeves! whee
Halo Jones: She got me a Sealed Envelope! That's great! ^o^
Teru teru bozu: I got a Ballerinas Circlet and a Heart Shaped Box of sweets! Yay!
I'd really like to thank all the people that gave me something, it's so thoughtful and sweet! heart
Here's the art that luze made me! heart

Here's the art that Ginger Biscuit gave me:

Waffles for all!
*throws them around like confetti*
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