OMG do u like the new look for my profile? i luv it! i put like 2 hours into it! i think that it looks so awesome! Oh, yesterday i typed a lot for the journal and i accadently signed offline! i was so mad! i typed for so long! now i don't have that much time to say what i wanted to yesterday!!!!!! yesterday was a good day! eventhough i woke up at 4 with a bad head ache which still hurts btw! i had a good day today too! there was a rat in the light in chorus and i guess he chewed his way out from the sealing! now he has a hole in the wall! so mrs. Milarin brought in popsickles to selebrate the rat's B day! lol it was nice out yesterday but today it's very cold! very cold!!!!!!!! i'm so mad... i had no idea that this hair style that i bought cost like 3000 gold! i was so mad!!!!!!! i was up to 500!!!!!!!!!!! now it's like2000!!!!!!!! i'i'm so mad! well... i had a lot to say yesterday but... now i can't remember! Oh well... back to earning stupid gold... i have pics today! yay!!!!!!!!