"You know Zapook..." She said with a small chuckle, "You should stop before that pretty green hair of yours turn grey."
"I can't help it...I mean...It's hard to believe that Tina beat Aunit. ...Hell, it's hard to believe she even fought."
"Ha! Not only did she fight, she kicked a**! Don't talk to her about it. She doesn't really want me mentionin it and stuff."
"Still...If she beat Aunit...why didn't she kill her? Or at least send her back."
"Heh. Heck if I know." Koopa shrugged as she popped another sardine in her mouth.
"Still! I want to know what Aunit's up to!"
Tina entered in from the direction of the lounge room, playing Koopa's DS. She didn't look up from the game as she pasted Zapook, heading into the kitchen. "I do not think we should worry about my counter part right now. If we are anything alike, it will be some time before we see her face again."
"You sure Tina?"
"Positive. I assume she's plotting a way to either get back at me, or get to you."
Zapook was too busy looking out the window to see Tina walk into the kitchen. Watching as if she were waiting for something.
Tina slowly walked into the kitchen towards Koopa and prodded the back of her neck with the DS stylus. "Sis? Who is this 'Wario' and how do I become victorious in this strange game?"
Swallowing a mouthful of sardines, Koopa growled. "I just get the damn game and you start playing it before I do. At least let me try out my own game before you go puttin your paws on it." Koopa turned and her jaw dropped as she looked up at Tina. Every bit white flesh on Tina's body had scars scattered on it. And she had a huge scar on her chest, where the top of it was barely seen past the collar of her V-neck tank top.
"...Um...Are you..Ok?"
"Hmm? Oh I am alright, except I am confused by this game. The characters are strange and the game is stranger..."
Koopa pointed at the largest scar seen on Tina's body. "....Marks..."
Tina looked up from the DS "Marks? Oh, the scars. Yes...I decided not to wear the foundation today. I mean, my secret has been revealed, there's no need to."
"...Yeah...but still...YOU COULD USE IT!" Koopa laughed.
Tina sighed and set the DS on the table. Koopa patted her on the back and licked her cheek lightly. "You know I'm playin. So..you're playin Wario Touched?"
Her ears perked up as she said "Why, yes. Though I have never played with this weird contraption before."
As the two sisters talked about the game and how to play a DS, Zapook screamed "I SAW HER! IT'S AUNIT! I KNOW IT!"
With a deep growled, Tina ran toward the nearest window "I doubt it. Not this soon!"
As she watched the scenery outside, Koopa watched her, and couldn't help but crack a smile at Tina. Tina giggled and turned toward Koopa, "It's just a slayer, and she seems to be an armature as well. Zapook honey, I think it's time you lied down for a bit. Don't you?"
With a sigh and a shakey voice, Zapook retreated to her guest room. "I guess you're right. I'll see you guys in...I don't know...four hours?"
Tina giggled and then turned to stare at Koopa who was still smiling. "...Is something wrong, hun?"
Answering with a soft voice, she said, "Nothin at all." Koopa was about to say something else, when Tina's words echoed in her head. She jumped out of her seat, "WOAH! Female Noob Slayer!" She growled playfully and ran to the front door on all four.
As Koopa flung the door open, Tina yelled, "Wait! Aren't you going to teach me how to play this game?"
Koopa smiled, drooling slightly, "Game later! Food now!" And with that, disappeared out the front door.
In the bushes, in front of the house, a young girl, just a bit older than Koopa, sat in front of the house, polishing a sword. She wore all purple with a red belt and a silver katana.
"Ok...I can do this...All I need to do is find the red head I've been hearing about. This should be easy." Though she tried to convince herself that her task would be easy, she was still nervous enough to where you could see her shaking clearly.
Koopa watched her from a few yards behind her and sized her up. Examining her weapons, and if she's keeping her cool. Koopa laughed after checking out the slayer and slowly made her way to the girl on all four.
As the girl chanted to herself, "I can do this...I can do this..." Koopa silently walked up behind her, and then stopped herself.
'...Nah...I gotta have some fun with this one first!' She said in a whisper.
The slayer turned around shouting, "WHO'S THERE!?" But saw nothing behind her. She let out a long sigh of relief, then turned to polish her sword, only to find it missing. "Wha!?"
She looked around frantically and rose to her feet only to realize that all of her weapons and items had been stolen! Unarmed and vulnerable, she cautiously made her way away from Tina's house and toward the nearest town. Small growls made her quicken her pace. In fact she was so busy focusing on what was behind her, that she wasn't paying attention to her front and ran straight into Koopa, who was casually standing there.
"Well, hello..." Koopa said, grinning evily.
From all of the descriptions she was given, she instantly knew who Koopa was and ran in the opposite direction. Koopa made a short dash and cut her off, still smiling. She attempted to run again, only for Koopa to pounce on her, making her fall face first in the dirt.
"Get off! I wasn't doing anything to you!"
Koopa threw her head back, laughing, "Haha! You little liar!"
"I swear! What is it you want?! Money?! Jewels?! I'll give it to you if you let me go!"
"...You got any food on you?"
"Oh well....I should be good for food anyway. Got about ...hmm...140 pounds of it here. 140 right?"
The girl screamed which made Koopa laugh even harder, before she stretched her jaws wide enough to engulf the girl's entire head. She stood to her and held her still as best as she can, giggling at the girl's struggling. The poor girl could only kick and scream to what was happening to her.
Koopa devoured the young slayer alive, ending with a large gulp that sent the slayers legs and feet down, making her stomach grow outward, then slowly made her way back to Tina's house.
When she trotted through the front door on all four, she announced her presence with a large belch, and went to the nearest vacant bedroom. Tina caught a glimpse of her on the way and shook her head. "You could've just scared her away, you know."
Koopa smiled back, holding her stomach, "But there's not fun in that. Not that it was much fun anyway. Too easy."
"I figured out how to play the game."
"Cool. I think I'm gonna go sleep this gut off."
"Aww..Ok. Oh! What about this Halloween? I've been meaning to ask you about your plans for it."
"Can't we take care of that later? I'm tired."
"Do you have an idea?"
"..." Koopa thought, leaning on her bulging stomach with one arm, "I was thinkin....a theme"
"Yeah. Like on some Halloweens, people form a group and have a common theme with their costumes."
"Oh? ...but I already had a costume planned...."
"What is it?"
"...Hmm...we have company in the house so I'll whisper it to you."
Tina learned toward Koopa and spoke softly in her ear. Koopa responded with a laugh "That is awesome! ...That's what Our theme should be!"
"Well known or popular characters from video games?"
"No...Girls that Kick a**!...oooo I know who I'm gonna dress up as too!"
Tina smiled and tilted her head. "Shopping?"
Koopa returned her smile, "Shopping. ....but first, a four hour nap."