smile hello everyone ^^
Well school have started for me ^^ (For world trading) my schredule is very condensed at the end of week
crying ; , i have 20 hours classes from wednesday afternoon till friday afternoon >.>;; (whereas i only have 6 hours from monday till wednesday morning
xd ;; )
So this leads to an exhausted momo during week ends
emo booh!
I hope i'll get used to this schredule soon though XP;;
About my art
smile i'll try to keep on drawing as much as i could ^^ despite schooling
xd xp but it's not so easy xD;
Well for those who are interested into buying some art from me
biggrin :
- you are more than welcome to pm/email me about Real Money commissions ^^ (those are always open rofl )
- you can also snag a slot from my gaia art shop (when i'll have some slots opened) ^^. In this shop i'll be selling till waist up art only ^^, here is the link of it :
Momo's little art shop
Community Member
because you are so great!!