GENDER: Female
AGE: 17
RACE: Japanese/ American Moon Goddess
POWERS: controls the moon and moon light, heals, turns into a wolf when hugged
APPEARANCE: long, black hair and blue-ish purple eyes

WEAPONS: magic and her mind
BIO: Born to her mother after one night stand, Jade has always been a teenager. She was not wanted by her mother, so she roams the earth. She can pull her wings into her back, but does not like to because it is a painful and lengthily process. She lives on the streets, hunting for her food. She rarely sees her father and doesn't appreciate hugs as they result in her becoming a wolf because of a curse she received.
FAMILY: mother~ Japanese human; father~ American Moon God
PET PEEVES: hyper or talkative people, her curse, and pink
COMPANIONS: a monkey