[E] Ho-hum...
So... Mage'ems made an image map. =o
I CAN DO IT TOO! ~plots~
Oh, yeah. I am a good hunter. Mage agrees. I went searching for a mini-shoppe that manufactured image maps the other day.... And found a really spiffy one! ((I'll put a link to it in my shop or something later)) Anyway, inside, apart from all the spiffy map-making accesories n' such, there was a link to a thread that was full of useful information teaching one how to make image maps! =o
So, I gave the link to Mage (the one to the shop, and pointed out the one to the information thread), and he made himself an image map! It's all spiffeh. Except one thing that I think is kinda my fault.
The "ART" tab he has on there was saved in jpeg format, and when he pasted it into the rest of the picture for the map, the not-quite white space that was altered around the picture was pasted with it.
So, mental note to me (and Mage, if he reads and would like to know why that space is there)::
Don't save them in JPEG format until the picture is COMPLETE. Additional pictures should be in another format, like.. PNG before being pasted, I think. Or else, they should be cleaned before being pasted into the picture. ((Simply pasted to the side of it, cleaned up, copied, and THEN pasted so the not-quite white space isn't there anymore.
My idea is: To create an image map with chibi-faced tabs for the links/buttons
I've already drawn the ones I want for the map I shall make for myself. And the ones I'll use for my Sock.
All that's needed, other than my motivation, is to gather links. La!
Anyway,... this is just me rambling. And now I shall sign off!
~Lost Mel