Item List:
#FFFFFF Complex Band
Basic Blue Hammer
Blue Stockings
Blue Web Shirt
Dark Halo
Drop Dead Gorgeous Skull Hairpin
Felicia's Gloves
Fresh Taj Shoes
Fresh Taj Top
Jenny's Mysterious Clamshell Purse
Knot Purple Top
Light Gray Leg Warmers
Missy Lavender Ribbon
Neo Punk Miniskirt
Rush Messenger Bag
Estimated Total: 57,314 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 19 December 2006)
Matilda lives with her mother, Marie, in a small apartment. Her father, Paul, disapeared five months before. Marie is six months pregnant with a set of twins. Paul worked as a pilot for a private jet company that catered to the rich and powerful. Matilda desperately misses her father and Marie hides her greif and worry by acting as cheerful as a twelve-year-old. Matilda does alright in school and just started highschool. A paranoid girl who believes that someone is watching her. She has a sneaking suspicion that the person who follows her is the same person she freed from a Senior locker her first day of school. She takes dance lessons and wants to learn all she can because her teacher always told her that dancing would give her the powers of heaven. Recently Matilda has been having strange dreams. She dreams that she is a dancer in a castle. That she is a slave. And around her neck is a strange golden collar with the sign of the omega within a pentogram. And then one day Matilda wakes up from the dream with the collar around her neck. What's a poor girl to do?
Age: 15
Height: 5'5
Eye color: Blue
Favorite color: Lavendar, a mixture of her two other favorite colors blue and red.
Information: Because she's so paranoid she always carries a hammer in her bag. She loves any and all music and her best friend is the lead singer in a band called "Necrophiliacs Anonymous". Her friends always tell her she would do well on stage, but Matilda suffers from incurable stage fright and just the thought of dancing for an audience sends her into fainting fits. She only feels free when she dances.