Username: Kai_Arrein
Character name: Relic
Parentage: Human mother, otherwise unknown.
Age: 27
Birthdate: February 29th.
Personality: A 'Fiery' personality makes Relic rash and slightly arrogant. He's fairly personable, but has no tolerance for stupidity... and if you insult his mother beware the wrath of the dragon.
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual, but not interested.
Marital status: Unmarried.

Appearance: (Description and drawn image pending. Avi provided for reference)
Elemental bias: Balance
Weapons: Clawed gauntlets and boots, a matched pair of short swords, and a Mateba automatic revolver [six shot .357 mag || Relic carries an average of 30-42 rounds of Magnum ammunition, along with two or three clips of Armor Piercing as well as one or two of his 'special' bullets.]
Martial Arts: Self-styled Jeet Kune Do.
Specific techniques:
- Hiryuuken - Fist of the Dragon
Dragon Blast - Very Low to Moderate stamina drain. A varied-size and speed (size and sped effected by energy used) ball or beam of energy, usually borrowing appearance from fire. As a beam it can slice through nearly any material without much splash, but it will burn living flesh. For an extra cost Relic can imbue the blast with a shard of his soul, turning it into a 'seeker' shot that is much harder to evade.
Dragon Blade - Very low stamina drain. Kai uses a tiny amount of energy to generate ultrasonic vibrations in a bladed weapon, increasing it's cutting potential. Blades more than a few inches long have a faint, pale glow of energy matching the colour of the last used technique.
Dragon Dance - Low stamina drain. Dragon Dance involves an unusual moving technique that allows the user to balance one's weight with minimal contact. The contact is achieved by 'dancing' from opponent to opponent after jumping into the air and kicking off of an opponent or other object. Relic's body must stay in constant motion for the technique to work, because if something happens to break his momentum he will fall to the ground. The Dance itself will be different each time, as each situation it is used in will be different. Dance is almost useless against a single opponent, and can be combined with Silver Dragon Step (See below) to engage widely spread groups.
Red Dragon Fist - Low stamina drain. A powered punch with extra bite. Red Dragon Fist charges a small amount of energy before the punch and releases it on impact in a single thrust to materialize claws of burning red energy.
Blue Dragon Tail - Low to Average stamina drain. A powerful, full-body attack typically from above or below. The attack is charged midair, and the charge is released to increase the momentum of the attack. Using Blue Tail also harms the user, however, for about 10% of the force exerted on the target. If the user has and uses a muscular tail for the attack, however, the additional damage can be ignored on all but the hardest targets.
Green Dragon Talon - Similar to Fist, but a kick instead. Talon can rip an opponent apart with a single strike. Coming from the feet the energy is more influenced by the Earth, and as such shines green.
White Dragon Flash - Low to High stamina drain. White Dragon Flash is capable of either annihilating an opponent in a massive burst of energy, blinding them with a bright flash of light, or healing wounds (much like White Magic). Three times a day, Relic can use an advanced version of the Flash to fully heal himself. Triggered by the incantation "Hikari no Reiki Kai" (Literally: Light of Renewing Life Energy Release) the Flash is contained within his own body, fully healing anything but the most severe of wounds and restoring a large part of his stamina.
Black Dragon Flare - High stamina drain. The single most destructive attack available to a Drakeling... Black Dragon Flare is all about making stuff burn. Very few have learned to actually control this, there was an ancient master who consumed the energies of this attack and survived... thus becoming the thirteenth Black Dragon (there were originally twelve). Relic can, once a day, absorb the energy of the attack into himself to embody the Black Dragon. For an indeterminate amount of time he has limitless energy... but when the effects subside he is left severely weakened.
Gold Dragon Glare - Average to Very High stamina drain. Any outside observer would notice Relic's irises swirling. His muscles undergo incredible strain, and his perception of time slows but his perception of his surroundings greatly increases. He gains extra percieved seconds of reaction time, and it can be very helpful. The longer he keeps this state up the more stamina it drains. When his stamina reaches critical (15%), it automatically disengages (drains about 7.5% extra stamina per turn, doubles the stamina drain of active skills, 5.0 stamina to initiate).
Silver Dragon Step - Very low stamina drain. A portion of energy surrounds Relic's feet, giving him the ability to make a single step over great distances in the blink of an eye by breaking the lightspeed barrier for just an instant.. The greater the distance, the greater the lost stamina. Similar techniques exist in many styles, such as the Flash Step.
Trickshot - Not just for show.
Charged Shot - Very High Accuracy, Very Long Range, Low Stamina Drain. Thanks to the unique construction of the lower frame assembly and barrel of his Mateba, Relic can use the same energy he draws upon for other techniques to charge a shot, increasing the kinetic energy carried by the projectile, and thus it's speed. While there is an upper limit to the amount of energy his revolver can withstand, he can speed the rounds to a pan-sonic velocity.
Goldeneye - High Accuracy, Medium Range, Low Stamina Drain, Low Damage. Relic engages the Gold Dragon Glare for a very short span of time, 'marking' the location of six targets. He disengages the Glare and twirls his revolver creatively, sometimes switching hands for a better angle. This technique is mainly for the purposes of intimidation, and with it Relic will use ricochets to hit more difficult targets.
Guided Shot - Very High Accuracy, Long Range, Very Low Stamina Drain. Relic 'marks' a target with a small amount of energy which can take some time to dissipate. His special rounds, charged with the same energy, will seek out the target. Each successful hit increases the amount of energy in the target, making it easier to find for following shots. The rounds lose speed as they maneuver, however, so damage is reduced over distance further than usual.
Quickdraw - Medium Accuracy, Medium Range. Thanks to practice, practice, practice, Relic can draw his Mateba in the blink of an eye and be on-target, even from the unusual holster he typically carries it in.
Six-Gun I - Low Accuracy, Medium Range. Relic twirls his Mateba on one finger above his head, jerking it around to fire all six shots in rapid succession at up to six different targets.
Six-Gun II - High Accuracy, Medium Range. Relic locks the slide of his Mateba in place, activating a tiny electric motor in the rear assembly which allows him to fire his revolver fully automatic, either in two three-shot bursts or a single six-shot burst.
Six-Gun III - Medium/Low Accuracy, Short Range, Low Stamina Drain. A difficult technique, Relic flips the cyllinder out of his revolver and uses a small Dragon Blast to fire all six rounds simultaneously. The absence of a barrel makes this move a shotgun-like attack useless outside of 25m.
Splitter - Medium/Low Accuracy, Short/Medium Range. Firing regular lead slugs, Relic can place one of his short swords edge-on in front of the barrel and split a round into two equal halves going in different directions to strike two targets. They lose a small amount of velocity from this and as a result have less penetration. Kai can vary the split and angle but adjusting the position of his short sword relative to the muzzle.
Snapshot - Variable Accuracy, Short/Medium Range. Another practiced motion, the snapshot is a quick, jerking motion to line up the barrel with the target. Accuracy suffers mildly depending on conditions. (roll d6 for accuracy)
- Non-Combat Sensitivity - Relic is sensitive to a variety of magics. The detection is usually referenced through some physiological reaction.Resistance - Relic is resistant to most offensive magics through a blood trait (and, sadly, many healing magics as well). If his stamina is below half, however, his resistance is also halved.Hot-blooded - Relic has well above average homeostatic mechanisms. He can maintain a comfortable body temperature in almost any climate with average amounts of clothing. As an effect or part of the cause (nobody really knows) his blood gets hot when spilled, agitating any whom it may spill upon. (3d5 seconds 'burn' (read 2-5 seconds as a single turn)) Natural Healing - Relic can restore a portion of his stamina by performing a sort of 'active rest', not doing anything particularly strenuous for a period of time. (Roll appropriate die for the amount of time rested and multiply by the number of turns rested (1 minute = d10))
Combat Reflex - Relic acts swiftly in tense situations. He's always watching and planning his immediate next move, and as a result has a tendency to shoot first and ask questions later as it were. This has significant use in combat as it lets him set up a course of action to be immediately available should an opponent prove hostile. (for some reflex actions roll a d20. 10 or higher is success, 20 being critical success) Adrenaline Rush - Adrenaline is a very useful thing, and Relic's is particularly potent. He feels like he can take on the world, and for awhile (d10+1 m10) the actions take half as much out of him as normally. Of course Adrenaline only lasts so long, and there is a minor crash (stamina drain doubled for one turn at end) that leaves him momentarily weakened.
Strengths: In a fight Relic is fast, ruthless, and if it's a true life-or-death situation he doesn't care much about 'conventions' of honourable combat. He will lie, cheat, steal, and back stab if it proves necessary for the survival of whatever organisation he decides to align himself with. He also happens to be a natural pistol shot, though his handgun of choice often makes people underestimate him.
Weaknesses: The Mateba's six shot capacity is one major drawback. While he can remain warm in still air... wind blows right through him in colder weather, to the point of actually slowing his reactions. His high pain tolerance becomes a weakness thanks to a low platlette count and slow clotting. By the time he realises he needs to take care of a wound, he's already lost more blood than he should've.
Other: Honor and Loyalty are greatly prized by Relic. He will not kill a man unless he has to, though he will not hesitate to challenge. Always in search of greater warriors, Relic strives to better himself by learning from both his defeats and victories. "The only total defeat is death. Anything else is at least a partial victory, even if that victory is simply learning what not to do next time."
Community Member
03/15/07 - Added two more Trickshot techniques and updated all of them to include accuracy, range, and stamina drain; added the actual final Hiryuu technique (one of the original three techniques from the first version of the character). Updated the 'Other' to reflect changes in strategy from the old version to the new.
03/13/07 - Finally got around to including the 'Trickshot' techniques. Final Hiryuu technique added. Dice ruling still under consideration.
02/10/07 - Added Adrenaline Rush, Silver Dragon Step, and some dice rulings. Working on drafting up dice for all powers.