Lostchapstick - opal borealis & Fluorite Borealis

ImperialAuthority - Moonstone borealis

Sorgan - x2 September 09 MC's

Mangaka Maiden - 1k

Azami_Kuroi - Raindeer slippers

Note: Not in any order, just how I have saved them
~xhoofbitex~: 500k gaia gold, Lots of Gaia Cash, way to many items to remember! 50k Tokens & 100k Tickets heart heart

MistressNightHawk - 100k

hollyjoey - 3000 tokens & 17 Tickets heart
Lothea - 527 Tickets heart
Bleu Cheese - 2339 Tokens, 385 Tickets & Clothes heart
Nanne - 211 Tickets heart
Xeru Dreagon - 71 Tickets heart
Fairy Celeste & Lorelia Maree - 32 Tickets & 957 Tokens heart
Wyven_lord - 2582g heart
bunnybaby301003 - 1k Tokens & 269 Tickets heart
Mysteh - 100 Tokens heart
Paper Heart17 - 3.5k Tickets heart
Princess Platypus - 12k heart heart
Harx - 1k heart
Hybrid_Wolf_Demon - 1k heart
White Phantom Seinaki - 1k heart
lillimister1000 - 200g heart
LordPocky - 9.5k heart heart
YamiOmega - 500g heart
xiatara - 1k Tickets heart
[`Not an Addict`] - 170 Tickets heart
Bee` - 500 Tickets heart
-Erik-Sing my Angel-! - 5 Tickets heart
Super Stardom - 18 Tokens
Double.You.Tea.Eff - 32 Tokens and 97 Tickets
II Lawliet II - 500 Tokens and 20 Tickets
DevilsKitty101 - 232 Tokens
Sanity Rain - 18 Tickets
princess_poodleskin - 3 Tokens and 5g
Rain of Blood - 110 Tokens
Ivy Moon - 330 Tickets and 53 Tokens
gigabyte180 - 115 Tickets and 10 Tokens
drdunn - 93 Tickets and 87 Tokens
Tarent - 416 Tokens
ValenMorrow - 317 Tokens
Fantasie_1018 - 57 Tickets
Friendly Misfit - 17 Tokens
DarkenedAngel00 - 5 Tokens
Blind Bondage - 5500 Tokens
I Kaboom Kaboom - 85 Tokens
motomori - 147 Tokens
Lady Ayuna - 100 Tokens and 4 Tickets
xlookxitsxmex - 85 Tokens and 50g
Molesting the Muffin - 40 Tokens and 4291g
leader of lost souls - 665 Tokens and 864 Tickets
Chinnie Doodle - 2050 Tokens and 511 Tickets
ben kei - 395 Tokens
x_me_out - 100 Tokens
[.Krisaga.][.Loyalar.] - 971 Tickets and 1000g
[ Dj Cytosol ] - 2413 Tickets and 1759 Tokens
Sparxeh - 300 Tickets and 700 Tokens
Maverick444 - 391 Tokens and 351 Tickets
KaliAmbyr - 100 tokens
[.Porcelain.Heart.] - 30 Tokens
XXShinkageXX - 1k Tickets
IXIWhite_ShadowIXI - 47 Tickets and 35 Tokens
heychris63 - 100 Tokens
[.Viral.]Sugar - 100 Tokens and 100 Tickets
Slightlyshadylady - 2007g
LexusMum - 2k
Kobaul - 5000g
Piersy - 2000g and flowers
Crystalblue Angeleyes - lots of ink
D0 1 H45 700 - inks
~Harkat-Mulds~ - inks
xFalse_Prophetx - inks
Winged Zakusa - Tonnes of bug and Inks

Vupi - lots of ink, 10k

Exploding Appendix - Inks.
Sour Gummi Snack - 20k

HermioneGrainger - Inks
Melancholy Gypsy - Inks
The Boy Wonder - House Bunny Outfit
~xhoofbitex~ - Coral Fluff Plushie, Gift Box, Crystal Fluff Plushie, Alien Armourskin & lots of Gaia cash and gold.
Piersy - Enchanted Wooden box, 35 Tokens, 2 gold ful decal & 2k gold
The Boy Wonder - 65706 Gold.
Sir Dan - 4486 Gold
Nan00ni - 108k & two flowers.
HermioneGrainger - 100k, x4 fortune eggs, Enchanted wodden trunk & S blox.
cheelof - Pink gift box.
~Harkat-Mulds~ ( left Gaia and gave me his stuff ) - 21k , angel bow, grunny, luna cloak, Azure tasu helm x 3, Encharnted strings, Sacred leaf
Hien81 - 1k & Zohan t-shirt.
Oniknowsyou! - Striped Stockings
Tikoge - Garlic Plushie, Goldfish Scarf, Pink belled ribbon, Reve Rouille

SpaceHeathen - 1k
Sageroot - Purple Saloon Girl Chandelle Boa
Extensive - 1k, 3 yellow ink & 2 suede
Retro Headphones - 10k
Aloric - 2.5k

Keidon Alekai - 5k

Kirra Shin - Grunny Slippers

New_World_Order_Is_Coming - 3k

lil_Wild_Thing - 417g

SerenityAriaMorningstar - 2 white inks

JaSin - 1 white ink

Minxxeee - Quail Plushie & SeaFoam Gown

[bFairy Fox - 1 white ink

Queen Melpomene - 2 white ink

Cheyenna Rose - 4 white inks

Melantha TeFruLa - 8 white inks

i2Sexy4Yew - 20 White inks
Crystalblue Angeleyes 21 blue inks, 29 green inks, 18 red inks 2 white inks.
Nishaa N i g h t M a r e 15 green inks

disranged 2 blue inks, 1 red ink, 2 yellow inks.

Pocket Size Ninja Bugs, inks and trash.

Rin Basile - Inks

Instructions_Optional - White ink

michi boregasm - Pink Neko Cosplay

~xhoofbitex~ - 15 OMG boxes & Goldz
Bunnybaby301003 - Nitemare Table
Mangaka Maiden - The Gift
dark_messenger84 - OMG box
~xhoofbitex~ -Yeti, and 10k in gold
XxStriker_AversxX - Enchanted Wooden Trunk - (Inside: Starfield Floor Tile)
Marlyluxia - 500 & a Bouquet
jonxcon3 - 1k
Nearboshy - 5k
Peirsy - Mimzy
Altern - Space Monster Mask
Thank you to all who gave me gift for my birthday, love you guys! ^____________________^
Hatsu Shibo - 5 green inks.
thackest2k_TFWR2 - grace of aphrodite.
Scath Arach - Seriously alot of inks! WOW!
Midoriko Kuronew - July birthstone crown.
Piersy 1k, flowers, inks & brown gift box. (inside dried grass skirt)
HermioneGrainger - 2k.
Ritsy Bitsy Spider - nurse shoes, green ink, & 1k
rattieruk - Royal Black Crown. O____________O;
Hatsu Shibo - Inks & 2.5k
Deathzshadowz - Blue Magical Giftbox ( inside: Prisoner's Shackles ), Celebrity Snare Snoop Dogg's Retro Boombox.
8 out of 5 - Pearl Necklace.
Fantasy-girly - 1.5k & green inks
Faye~Eva - Gaia Second anniversary ballon.
Harx - Midnight gothic bat chocker.
Wild_Wind - BTK
Piersy - 13k
Lostchapstick - opal borealis & Fluorite Borealis

ImperialAuthority - Moonstone borealis

Sorgan - x2 September 09 MC's

Mangaka Maiden - 1k

Azami_Kuroi - Raindeer slippers

Note: Not in any order, just how I have saved them
~xhoofbitex~: 500k gaia gold, Lots of Gaia Cash, way to many items to remember! 50k Tokens & 100k Tickets heart heart

MistressNightHawk - 100k

hollyjoey - 3000 tokens & 17 Tickets heart
Lothea - 527 Tickets heart
Bleu Cheese - 2339 Tokens, 385 Tickets & Clothes heart
Nanne - 211 Tickets heart
Xeru Dreagon - 71 Tickets heart
Fairy Celeste & Lorelia Maree - 32 Tickets & 957 Tokens heart
Wyven_lord - 2582g heart
bunnybaby301003 - 1k Tokens & 269 Tickets heart
Mysteh - 100 Tokens heart
Paper Heart17 - 3.5k Tickets heart
Princess Platypus - 12k heart heart
Harx - 1k heart
Hybrid_Wolf_Demon - 1k heart
White Phantom Seinaki - 1k heart
lillimister1000 - 200g heart
LordPocky - 9.5k heart heart
YamiOmega - 500g heart
xiatara - 1k Tickets heart
[`Not an Addict`] - 170 Tickets heart
Bee` - 500 Tickets heart
-Erik-Sing my Angel-! - 5 Tickets heart
Super Stardom - 18 Tokens

Double.You.Tea.Eff - 32 Tokens and 97 Tickets

II Lawliet II - 500 Tokens and 20 Tickets

DevilsKitty101 - 232 Tokens

Sanity Rain - 18 Tickets

princess_poodleskin - 3 Tokens and 5g

Rain of Blood - 110 Tokens

Ivy Moon - 330 Tickets and 53 Tokens

gigabyte180 - 115 Tickets and 10 Tokens

drdunn - 93 Tickets and 87 Tokens

Tarent - 416 Tokens

ValenMorrow - 317 Tokens

Fantasie_1018 - 57 Tickets

Friendly Misfit - 17 Tokens

DarkenedAngel00 - 5 Tokens

Blind Bondage - 5500 Tokens

I Kaboom Kaboom - 85 Tokens

motomori - 147 Tokens

Lady Ayuna - 100 Tokens and 4 Tickets

xlookxitsxmex - 85 Tokens and 50g

Molesting the Muffin - 40 Tokens and 4291g

leader of lost souls - 665 Tokens and 864 Tickets

Chinnie Doodle - 2050 Tokens and 511 Tickets

ben kei - 395 Tokens

x_me_out - 100 Tokens

[.Krisaga.][.Loyalar.] - 971 Tickets and 1000g

[ Dj Cytosol ] - 2413 Tickets and 1759 Tokens

Sparxeh - 300 Tickets and 700 Tokens

Maverick444 - 391 Tokens and 351 Tickets

KaliAmbyr - 100 tokens

[.Porcelain.Heart.] - 30 Tokens

XXShinkageXX - 1k Tickets

IXIWhite_ShadowIXI - 47 Tickets and 35 Tokens

heychris63 - 100 Tokens

[.Viral.]Sugar - 100 Tokens and 100 Tickets

Slightlyshadylady - 2007g

LexusMum - 2k

Kobaul - 5000g

Piersy - 2000g and flowers

Crystalblue Angeleyes - lots of ink

D0 1 H45 700 - inks

~Harkat-Mulds~ - inks

xFalse_Prophetx - inks

Winged Zakusa - Tonnes of bug and Inks

Vupi - lots of ink, 10k

Exploding Appendix - Inks.

Sour Gummi Snack - 20k

HermioneGrainger - Inks

Melancholy Gypsy - Inks

The Boy Wonder - House Bunny Outfit

~xhoofbitex~ - Coral Fluff Plushie, Gift Box, Crystal Fluff Plushie, Alien Armourskin & lots of Gaia cash and gold.

Piersy - Enchanted Wooden box, 35 Tokens, 2 gold ful decal & 2k gold

The Boy Wonder - 65706 Gold.

Sir Dan - 4486 Gold

Nan00ni - 108k & two flowers.

HermioneGrainger - 100k, x4 fortune eggs, Enchanted wodden trunk & S blox.

cheelof - Pink gift box.

~Harkat-Mulds~ ( left Gaia and gave me his stuff ) - 21k , angel bow, grunny, luna cloak, Azure tasu helm x 3, Encharnted strings, Sacred leaf

Hien81 - 1k & Zohan t-shirt.

Oniknowsyou! - Striped Stockings

Tikoge - Garlic Plushie, Goldfish Scarf, Pink belled ribbon, Reve Rouille

SpaceHeathen - 1k

Sageroot - Purple Saloon Girl Chandelle Boa

Extensive - 1k, 3 yellow ink & 2 suede

Retro Headphones - 10k

Aloric - 2.5k

Keidon Alekai - 5k

Kirra Shin - Grunny Slippers

New_World_Order_Is_Coming - 3k

lil_Wild_Thing - 417g

SerenityAriaMorningstar - 2 white inks

JaSin - 1 white ink

Minxxeee - Quail Plushie & SeaFoam Gown

[bFairy Fox - 1 white ink

Queen Melpomene - 2 white ink

Cheyenna Rose - 4 white inks

Melantha TeFruLa - 8 white inks

i2Sexy4Yew - 20 White inks

Crystalblue Angeleyes 21 blue inks, 29 green inks, 18 red inks 2 white inks.

Nishaa N i g h t M a r e 15 green inks

disranged 2 blue inks, 1 red ink, 2 yellow inks.

Pocket Size Ninja Bugs, inks and trash.

Rin Basile - Inks

Instructions_Optional - White ink

michi boregasm - Pink Neko Cosplay

~xhoofbitex~ - 15 OMG boxes & Goldz

Bunnybaby301003 - Nitemare Table

Mangaka Maiden - The Gift

dark_messenger84 - OMG box

~xhoofbitex~ -Yeti, and 10k in gold

XxStriker_AversxX - Enchanted Wooden Trunk - (Inside: Starfield Floor Tile)

Marlyluxia - 500 & a Bouquet

jonxcon3 - 1k

Nearboshy - 5k

Peirsy - Mimzy

Altern - Space Monster Mask

Thank you to all who gave me gift for my birthday, love you guys! ^____________________^
Hatsu Shibo - 5 green inks.

thackest2k_TFWR2 - grace of aphrodite.

Scath Arach - Seriously alot of inks! WOW!

Midoriko Kuronew - July birthstone crown.

Piersy 1k, flowers, inks & brown gift box. (inside dried grass skirt)

HermioneGrainger - 2k.

Ritsy Bitsy Spider - nurse shoes, green ink, & 1k

rattieruk - Royal Black Crown. O____________O;

Hatsu Shibo - Inks & 2.5k

Deathzshadowz - Blue Magical Giftbox ( inside: Prisoner's Shackles ), Celebrity Snare Snoop Dogg's Retro Boombox.

8 out of 5 - Pearl Necklace.

Fantasy-girly - 1.5k & green inks

Faye~Eva - Gaia Second anniversary ballon.

Harx - Midnight gothic bat chocker.

Wild_Wind - BTK

Piersy - 13k