Sleeping is rough enough but dreams about giants, college, the simpsons and the Queen of England (who's real name is Brenda????? eek ) is F$%^$ up! (no more BFG before bed)
my appitite is slowly returning, I'm in the mood for bacon and pancakes...but that means I gotts MAKE it. Nuts to that
mmmmmm......nuuuuuuuuuts whee
...but I'll probly do it.
( I like pancakes when you cook them in the bacon fat. mrgreen )
I finally told everyone but my DAD (uh-oh. sweatdrop ) Kind of afraid to tell him.
WHY???? Its not like I'm 16 and in Highschool
I'm a married adult!! scream
The anti-nausea wristbands are really working, but they're soooo TIGHT!!
Joe says that's probly the POINT of accupressure. The pain takes your mind off whatever you needed acupressure for. rolleyes
All my buddies are comin' over today!!! YAY!! blaugh
further bulletens as events warrent
P.S. Pray for the Pope
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