Here's the thing that used to be on my profile. I didn't wanna delete it so......
HI! I'm Utsuneko Princess! (formerly known as Utsukushineko Girl) ^__^
I looooooooooooooooooooooooove Kingdom Hearts 2 and I cant get enough ice cream. I've been obbsesed with it since before I was born. No seriously! My mom said while I was in her belly, she always had this craving for ice cream, so she and her best friend went diving all over town to find an ice cream store in January.
Okay, back to my interests. I am also obsesed with Kingdom Hearts 2 along with my ice cream. I am soooooooooooooooooooo buying KH3 when it comes out. Even if I have to buy a 600 dollar ps3 with it. (Yeah I'm that obsessed)
As far as Anime goes, I am not quite obsessed with it, but still verry obsessed. I'm verry open to diff. types of anime so if you know of a series that not many people know of but you yourself love, feel free to PM me and I'll probably be on google in 5 seconds looking the anime up. Then I'll get obsessed with it and spread the news to my kin and friends.
You've probably noticed I use the word "obsessed" a lot. The sad truth is, I sometimes go into Ultra Fangirl Mode if either under a lot of pessure or I discover something new that I've never heard of. That happens a lot for a lot of different things.
Example 1: When I first got a Tammagotchi I ,like, went crazy and brought it everywhere. Even to school! Next month it died and I never got it new batteries. The other day I found it at the bottom of my desk. It was covered in dust.
Example 2: My aunt benakittie got a new manga called My Cat Loki, Man, I was 100% convinced that I was sane when I completely tore her room apart looking for it. Then I brought it to school, Sara Sohma caught my friend MarinManiac reading it, and she made the "You are so dead after Mr. Lavigueure lets us go." stare at me until the end of class. I hid behind saschamonet until Sara Sohma got out of range. Then she told her big sister, benakittie, and she was ,like, WAK,POW,KABOOOM!!! to me and then she went all crazy and stuff.
Example 3: Right now. At this moment I am obsessed with Gaia. That is part of the reason I'm typing such a long "About" thing. Oh well. I can't really help it. Can I???
Oh, also here's some extra info on me.
Name: Lysa (lee-suh)
Age: 13....I am now anyways...
Favorite color: Yellow!
Favorite video Game Series: KINGDOM HEARTS!!!!!!
(Ok, cause that one doesn't really count)
2nd Favorite Video Game Series: Ratchet and Clank
Favorite Books: Harry Potter series('specially #5!) and Eragon
T.V Shows: Ummmmmm.....Xiaolin Show down, Danny Phantom, And sometimes Ben 10 (when he's in that cool fire alien dude form, HE'S GOT SPIKES VOICE!!!)
Favorite Character from ANYTHING: Oh gee...I dunno....ROXAS!!!!!^___^
Favorite Singer: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Not sure...
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