I love Montreal, I really do. Look what I found written on the wall of a bus when I was going home from school on Tuesday
Quote: Hello Montreal! It's been a long time since I've written in you. on you. with you. Thank you for being my home, for letting me build a part of you. Thanks you for allowing your walls to be my ears, for my mischiefs, my stories, my thoughts...thank you for accepting my messages, and for transmitting them. That this is only the begining. but it is not. and now I see you. and you see me.
I just liked it so much I had to copy it down. It's like...the city has become something organic. Constructed, but we all live in it, and contribute to it. However, the moment you give something to the city, it's not yours anymore, it's almost perfect anonymity and the city grows. It's constructed, yet living.
I want to be a part of that process. I want to contribute to the life that is the city. When I transfered busses, I took out the Sharpie I always have in my bag (never used it until now) and wrote "give the city a voice" on the wall. I was left with a deep sense of satisfaction. I want to keep doing that. I also want to get Orpheus Thrice Called going with Kevin.
Spring=potential. I think I can do it this time.
Nihilistic Seraph · Thu Apr 12, 2007 @ 07:15pm · 1 Comments |