Flogging Molly, writer's block and... a dugong?
Flogging Molly is absolutely fantastic. I love the whole Drunken Lullabies album. The best songs on it are Drunken Lullabies, Rebels of the Sacred Heart, and The Kilburn High Road. Anyway, I have a project thing due for school in... I dunno, like 4 days or something like that. I don't know what the hell I'm doing with it. It's on dugongs- like, why in God's name did I pick dugongs? Because they're cool.
 ^dat, my dears, is a dugong. It's cute in a dorky sort of way.like me...Man, I have writer's block. Love my characters to pieces, but I don't have anything for them to do. Maybe they should randomly start singing, "come on, fhqwhgads!" or something. I don't know.