Recently, I moved and because of that, I lost everyday contact with a lot of friends. I never got to say goodbye to a lot of them and I regret it hugely. I never got to tell them how I really feel about them either. I just want them to know that I love every single one of them and that I would give my life if that's what it took to keep them going. I stay depressed a lot over this. I miss them so much and they'll never ever be replaced. I think about them all the time. There is so much that I regret because I didn't get to talk to some of them as much as I wanted and because I didn't spend as much time with them as I should've. I sorta wish that I could build a time machine now (that brings back memories). I also want to thank them for everything they've done for me and I want them to know that I'll always be there for them.
xXxSweetCynxXx Community Member |