True Love???
Is there true love out there, we will never know. Ppl think they know true love when they see it, HA you can not see true love you feel it. True love is not something you buy at the store, true love comes with in you, from the heart. True love is there you just need to find it.
Girls, mister right is out there. Guys, that girl you want to be with, is out there.
Guys, some girls lik ea man that will fight thar fights for them, and then there is the other kind, if you fight there fights, they get all pissed at you for doing it, cuz most girls can fend for them selvs.
Ok, when you meat your girl friends mom and dad, do not kiss a**, they will know it and so will she, means you are hidding something from her that you do not want her to know.
Girls, if a guy has a car is that a good thing or a bad thing??? Some girls will not go out with a guy that dose not have a car, some girls will. Both is ok it is on the girl.
If you get something for your girl or man, do not tell them how much it is, then they feel like they need to spened that much on you too and that is not right, so make sure you take off the tag befor you give it to them.
True Love, something alot of ppl wish they had in there lives... -sigh-
Ppl who want love,love is a good thing if you do not play with it, you play with love you are going to get hurt or you will hurt someone els. Love hurt, ppl do not know this, well..... it dose. I know some ppl that love each other so much it hurts. The smallest thing can turn in to a bad thing, like loving a person, if you love this person and you can tell them but you can not be with them, YOU NEED TO GET WITH THEM, STOP HURTING YOUR SELF AND HIM/HER.
We have the ppl that say "can we just be friends" that is cool to some ppl, to others it hurts, but if you love this person you can do anything for them, even be a frined from them when they need it the most.
They are some ppl reading this right now going "what the ******** is he talking about" ppl i have been throw most of this stuff, and all the stuff i put down is from me or from a friend that i helped throw with it.
NOW, Hearts Broken If your heart gets Broken, ya it hurts. The means that person was not the one for you or you broke that persons heart cuz they did something or, just like i said that one was not for you. Ppl think it is the end of the world when you get a Broken Heart, PPL IT IS NOT!!! do not stay in your house and be emo, call ppl up and hang out, go and workout guys. Girls go out on a girls night out and have fun. DO NOT BE ALONG IT DOSE NOT HELP, IT MAKES IT MORE HARD ON YOU TO FIND A BF/GF AGAIN.
Some ppl do not realize that every one loves or likes someone in school, at work, "on the street ". Love is every where you just need to find it, if and when you do, Never let it go, love is strong.(To me, love, is like the Tango,strong, passion, rowmance, if you have ever sean the Tango you would see what i see).
Love music Love music is ok when you know what it means and when to give it to a girl. Fyi: LOVE MUSIC DOSE NOT ALWAYS MEAN PLAY IT CUZ YOU WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH HER, GUYS, I KNOW YOU GUYS WOULD DO JUST THAT. Love music shows where your hearts at, get or find a song that reminds you of her and say "This song is for you" when she or he ask why, that is the time to tell her or him how you feel about them, some ppl like it some will just say ok and what ever at the same time, more will love it and think about you every time they hear it.