This country is aching for change. We, as a nation, are faced with a decision in 2008 to either elect Barack Obama or John “The Maverick” McCain for the next president of the United States. The country’s economy needs to be addressed. Morality must be returned to our social dilemmas. Political ethics has to be taken care of the right way with the right experience. McCain can deliver the change we need.
The economy is the easiest topic the Americans can identify with. After all, its fiscal properties is a part of our daily lives. Barack Obama wants to raise taxes on businesses. This will cause the companies to cut jobs and will keep people from spending money. This plays a key role in the economy’s recession. McCain, on the other hand, will stimulate the economy by relieving businesses of high taxes and allowing for jobs to become available. McCain also wants to ban new cell phone taxes and ban internet taxes. Overall McCain’s economic policies make more sense for economic growth.
Abortion and homosexuality have huge effects on our community and people. The democratic party believes homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgender should be able to have an equal recognition of their relationships through marriage. However, marriage was created by the Church for the specific reason to join a man and a woman. If it’s tax and fiscal relief homosexuals and the like seek, there should be a separate and equal option to grant this; not identical! Borack Obama is pro-choice, which means he believes in the right of a woman to be able to choose, if it is in her interests, to abort a child. Republicans and McCain believe that an unborn child has the fundamental individual right to life, which cannot be violated. Abortion destroys potential life, and same sex living arrangements shouldn’t be recognized as marriages by the state; McCain understands this.
Both candidates agree that there is wasteful spending in Washington. Barack Obama mentions that he will “shed light” on pork barrel spending. Though this will deter such spending, there is no guarantee. No matter how vigilant, without direct confrontation of this problem it will not be solved. John McCain recognizes this same issue and also plans to bring these earmark earnings into the light. However, this is where the similarities end. McCain’s history of a “tireless warrior” is something we, as a nation, can trust. His lonely vigilance will cease with his presidency. With his “veto pen” armed and ready a significant drop in earmark dollars should soon follow.
Overall, McCain has the leadership and experience we need in office as a free people. Economically, socially, and through ethics he will be a better president than Barack Obama. Experience and leadership is what we should demand of our commander and chief and John McCain is willing and aptly qualified to take on that role. Though change is in our future, the quality of that change is up to us, the united people of the free world.
![]() catz77 Community Member ![]() |