Kill Me Shining |
i am a crazy nut that is a cerified village idoit that will rule you all. GOTTA PROBLEM WITH THAT?!?!? O.o
<(' . '<)<( ' . ' )>(>' . ' )> t(' . ' t) |
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 @ 08:52am
one look is all it takes, poison my mind body and soul, his face, touch and embrace are all i want, i try to run, to resist the temptation but, for to long i have i have avoided sin, i want to express my feelings but i have no voice to do so, i just want to rip open my skin and let it mix with the poison of love that torments me, seeing him in dreams and fantasies teares me to pieces, the brain wash so strong i don't even want to die, all i want is to do is express my love and it be returned... damn the poison... worst then drugs...
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 @ 06:43pm
I Hate You... I Love You...
i hate you... you make me crave you, your words, your skin, your heart, your soul you let me feel, touch, and love i want it all for myself... but... was it all a lie? always hiding in the shadows is all i do, when others are present when we are alone i let you have your way because of the love i feel, you wisper words that send me high, you let me touch... unsure as i am, you assure me and i do as i please, yet when we are apart you say she is better tears are held back, pride is deminished, you build me from scratch, to assure my willingness, then break me with cruel words, i try to save myself by seeking another but... i only crave you more, your spell on me pulls me closer with every attempt to pull away. i hate you so much why won't you release me? but still... i'll wait in the shadows forever never to see light, only you. i'll let you break me down, rebuild me, break me... i want your touch, to be embraced with your arms, i'll let you do as you please, i want you to keep me close, i want your words to lift me, even if they're hollow and fake, just let me love you and i'll be ok...
Community Member
Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 @ 05:31am
Love, Jealousy, Selfishness
to love is the best feeling one can experince... but jealousy and selfishness go along with it, you want to be the only one that they praise for beauty or know all about them but... sometimes they won't say it because they can't read your mind. you may know that in your mind but your heart may not want to except that knowledge. mine won't... it hurts me to hear him praise other the way i wish he would me, but when he does i feel like i'm flying and there would be no reason to come down. thats my selfishness... i eny thoughs that know more about him than i know but i hate my self for being jealous, so i constantly tell myself i dont deserve him... i can be jealous of a object that he may have. my jealousy is pitfull. thats my jealousy... but i love him more than my own parents, i love them half out of fear... he is more dear to me than my life. when i'm with him i don't want to leave him, other wise i feel dead and lonly in side besides a few friends he is one of my reason for living. he is somthing i can not live with out. thats my love. love, jealousy, and selfishness go hand is hand anyway... my jealousy, selfishness can be a curse but its worth it for love...