I do NOT own Keroro Gunso a.k.a Sgt. Frog, it's made by an aweseom person who was the directer of Gundam. 3nodding
Ch. 1 Pt. 2
“There was that bad?” mom asked as she closed the bottle and put it back on the tray. “You didn’t need to scream bloody murderer.”
“But…it tastes so bad!!” I groaned and I pulled the covers over my head so much that my socks peeked out from the bottom of the covers. Mom sighed and started to head out of my room with the tray.
“Anyways, lunch will be done in an hour. And your sister is still being home schooled so she won’t be done till later on.” She said. I made a ‘o’ with my forefinger and thumb.
“Oke-doke.” I said and mom left the room. I sighed as I poked my head out from the covers and looked out my window, even though I can only see the rooftops of other buildings and the sky. I thought I saw something…flicker near the window. Or something close to a flicker. I sat up with my head throbbing and I walked over to the window. I looked out and I heard something behind me. I raised my hands up as I saw from my mirror that something weird, small, and red was holding a gun up to my head. It looked cute though.
“Freeze.” The small thing warned harshly. I smiled and went to turn my body around when it placed the gun up so close that it poked the back of my head. “I said freeze, Pekoponian!”
“What’s that?” I asked it smiling. It said nothing and it clicked a small button on its helmet and I could see it a lot better. It was sort of like a cloaking devise of sort but I saw through it?
“Where are the other victims? Are you part of this torturing business?” it asked. I looked at it confused from the mirror so it can read my confused expression.
“Torturing business? I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I said with a coy smile and it grimaced.
“Don’t lie to me! This thing is more powerful then your puny machinery you call ‘guns’ here!” I knew somehow it was a guy, and probably from a military. Because he had the same tone and remarks like my father.
“Hey, you’re from the military?” I asked it. After saying nothing I smiled and put my hands down. “What rank?”
“Corporal. I’m Giroro Gocho.” he said. I smiled and rolled up my cuffs.
“Really now? You could say….I’m a private.” I said and swung my hand so that it smacked the gun out of his hands. He swore and took out another two guns. I smiled and grabbed the one he dropped and was able to pick up my box cutter which remained on my desk. We both stood there, gun at each other’s head. Except that I held a box cutter to its stomach as it stood on my dresser and it held a gun to mine.
“A private? Really?” he asked me. I nodded and started to put the stuff down. I didn’t have a plan before, but now I did. He planted the barrel closer to my stomach and I smiled grabbing a pencil.
“Don’t you want to save the helpless victims?” I asked him smiling as I saw his surprised face. “I’m making you a map, this house is bigger then it seems.” I said and pretended to draw a map of the house. He stood there watching closely and I looked at my drawer and saw rope from my last art class. I smiled and made a mistake on purpose.
“Oops.” I said and started to reach for an eraser but instead I grabbed the rope and tackled the small little thing. He screamed in surprise and I was able to tie his legs and arms together and he wiggled on the floor hopeless. I smiled and started to walk around it and I examined him. I then sat down in front of it and I flipped it over so that it was on his back.
“Aw, that’s not a very nice word senpai.” I said to it smiling and it looked at me surprised. “And there’s no victims being tortured here.”
“H-Huh? B-But you said..!”
“I lied,” I said and I grabbed one of his guns and looked at it. “you know, so I can finally make you fall to your knees.” I said and I looked at him. “What made you think that there’s torturing here?” I asked him. He said nothing at first and then looked out the window.
“First off, the truck outside.”
“We moved and still didn’t unpack everything yet.” I said answering his question. Giroro said nothing and looked at me.
“And what about that scream from this morning?”
“Oh that was me.” I said smiling weakly as I hit my head softly. “My mom was forcing me to take medicine. I don’t know if you can tell but I’m sick.” I said to him and I crossed my legs and smiled evilly. “Now that I answered your questions you have to answer mine now.” I said to him. Giroro said nothing at first and I ignored the silent response. “First off. What the heck are you? You look like a frog but I can’t tell.”
“I’m a Keronian.” He said and then looked at me, his eyes filled with pride that a soldier would have. “I’m a Keronian soldier from the 52nd planet known as Keron! And my mission here was to invade Pekopon…er!!” He gasped and then bonked his head on the floor. “Damn it.”
“Huh? You’re here to take us over?” I asked him and tried not to laugh. “What are you doing here then?!” I asked him. He said nothing and looked at me disappointedly.
“We’ve been here for almost a year and we still failed at every task to invade you guys.” He said. I looked at him and noticed that his hand was tied. There’s a wound.
“What’s wrong with your hand?” I asked as I went to untie his arms. Giroro looked at me surprised and tried to back away.
“N-Nothing! Why are you trying to untie your enemy?!” he scolded me. I pouted and was able to untie him.
“You’re not an enemy! You were but I got to know you! So we’re friends now ok?!” I yelled and I gasped as I took the cloth off and saw that it was a burn. “You burned yourself?” I asked looking at him. He looked away probably feeling stupid and embarrassed. I smiled at him innocently and I ran to my bathroom and quickly came back with some special ointment that my dad had taught me to make and I sat down in front of him. I grabbed his hand and from the twitch he made I knew it was probably pulsating.
“Here, I’m going to put ointment on it.” I warned like a real nurse and I placed the cold crème on his hand. He sighed relieved and then I started to rub it around gently. I smiled as I could see him relax. “Does it feel better?”
“A lot.” Giroro said and I put a few more dabs on his hand. I looked at the cloth he had and could tell he had it for a long time.
“Nice cloth.” I said smiling as I studied the small skull patch that was on it.
“Thanks…it’s from my mother.” He said sadly. I looked at him and gasped, his mother was probably dead.
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry!”
“She’s not dead!” he yelled at me. I sighed and giggled a bit.
“Oh, sorry.” I said and I smiled and placed a few herbs on the cloth and tied it onto his hand. “There you go! All patched up.” I said. Giroro looked up at me and then smiled.
“Thanks…oh, I forgot to ask what your name is.” He said. I looked at him and saluted with a smile.
“Ichigo Hoshigaki is the name!” I said. Giroro looked at me and saluted. Just then the door opened and there in the doorway, was my father. He was tall, mad, and carried a strange green thing in his hands.
Pt. 2 and Ch.1 END
Yay! Next post will be about ch. 2!!!! Tumdadataaaa~!!!! So stay tuned!!!!...O and as promised in the title here are more 'atractive' pictures of our lil froggie invaders....and can I really kill off the star of the show?! YES I CAN!!! muahahaha!!!....but that means getting squished by mad fans huh?....so no. >.>