Age: 24
Race: Bear
{½ Human, ½ Bear Demon}
Birthday: August 12th
Hair color: Raven
Eye color: Light Gold
Height: 6'4
Weight: 187lbs
~Heavy breathing, a dark blur of nothing. The forest burning past as thudding and growls echoed from behind. Legs burning. Have to keep running. That poor woman, what had happened to her, that strange hut. That bright warm light, and then coming back to the cold.~
He was running again, what were these things chasing him, He had witnessed with his own eyes, these beast tearing the flesh of those defenseless people. He felt it then, the burning in his heart, not like the burning in his lungs.
The forest blurred further. His heart began racing as he began to lose footing, there was a sudden sharp pain as his foot snagged into an upturned root hurtling him into the trunk of a tree.
His eyes became foggy, he suddenly felt very tired. His eyes darkened, the forest taking on the same lighting and suddenly. He was asleep
His eyes darted open. He scanned the area around him, the light in the forest was brighter, had he actually slept the entire night away? He got to his feet, which were to his surprise bare.
When had he lost his shoes? So many more questions began to develop, where had his trackers gone? Where were the rest of his clothes? Why. Why was the large wound on his chest now a mere scar.
He made his way though the forest. There was something very different to him, the forest he had seen before sleeping seemed bigger.. Older even. The forest was alarmingly quiet.
These questions plagued him more as he tried to find anything that reminded him of his trail that was made the night before. Suddenly he caught something in his path.
A girl, although she was far off he could easily tell her from the rest of the wood. That sick burning feeling again. His eyes grew heavy, the darkness was returning. Why was he suddenly so sleepy again. Just as fast, Darkness.