--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Listenin' to: Savage Garden, I Don't Care Watching: nadda Eating: Porridge <3
BLARGHARAGH! I HATE WOOLWORTHS!!! I'm NEVER shopping from there again!!!! Well I don't care!!! I'm too good for them anyway! ....Bastards crying
Ahem, on a more happier note, it's my mummy's birthday today! I gots her some prettyful jewlery! ^^ It's also my friends birthday too! yay! =P
My graduation is tomorrow night...

PandaSparkle · Sun Nov 27, 2005 @ 12:34am · 1 Comments |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Listenin' to: The Bloodhound Gang, Foxtrot Uniform Watching: Scrapped Princess Eating: food
Today I went for an interview for a job...well it wasn't really what you would call an interview, it was more like a group interview type thing...cept we didnt get interviewed...if you know what I mean.. o.o; But yeah, basically we just got told about the positions vacant and what was required then did two group activities. The first one was that we were given like 5 minutes to get to know the person next to us, then we were to introduce them to the group. The next group activity, we were put in groups of 6 and given a scenario. We had to work out a strategy of what to do...Thank god there was no right or wrong answer!!! I -REALLY- want the job...I hope I get it!!! They said we would be informed by friday...the suspense is KILLING ME!!!!!!!!11 gonk I wanna be a check out chick damnit!!! blaugh
~ONLY 2 and a half days of school left! whee
PandaSparkle · Wed Nov 23, 2005 @ 08:48am · 1 Comments |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Listenin' to: Marilyn Manson, You Spin Me Right Round Watching: GTO Eating: food
I went to the Kelly Clarkson concert last night!!!!!!! whee She was so fantastically great!!!! She even quickly changed into the dress that she sings in her video clip Behind These Hazel Eyes! I heart that dress!!!! x3 Me and my friends had standing tickets, and we got there early so we could get good spots! Which we did! We were like 5 metres away from her!!!
There was a back up band on before kelly, the Rouge Traders...they were kinda *ahem* sucky. I screamed out at them, and I sounded like a dying cow! Lol, it was from her singing!! The singer looked at me weirdly xD It was kinda funny, coz the first song they did, everyone knew and was singing along, then the next few songs, everyone was dead quiet! Lol no one knew there other songs! blaugh
But yeah, it was so coooooool! Kelly has a new fan! blaugh
7 days.....
Until school ends! blaugh
 Me ish the scank in the middle xp
PandaSparkle · Wed Nov 16, 2005 @ 07:59am · 3 Comments |
My tummy hurts. I ate too much. gonk
PandaSparkle · Sat Nov 12, 2005 @ 11:11am · 1 Comments |
WEB BLOB ENTRAY NUMBA 1 It begins... gonk AGGGH! MY EYES!!!!!!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Listenin' to: NIN, Only Watching: the screen Eating: my pencil lol...jokes >.> <.<
Well well wells, Jess has decided to keep a weblog type..thing... *gasp* Don't know how long it'll last though, I'm pretty lazy blaugh
Who am I? Where did I come from? How did I get here? Why is the rum gone? I want answers...NOW.
Uhm...Anyhoo, it's friday! w00t! And you know what that means?! Yes, that's right! Study time!!! Lol, no I'm not -that- much of a nerd. Though I really do need to finish heaps of assignments which are due in next week, seeing as next week is the last week of assessment, coz I'm in year 10! biggrin So the next 2 weeks after that will be bludging, coz we get off school in 15 days!! And only 19 days until the formal!!!!!!!! EEEEE! I'm so excited! whee I'm getting my hair done, new shoes, and I get to buy some new jewelery *love* because I didnt buy my dress, I'm lending my sisters. I'm actually glad that I didnt have to go around dress shopping, because it would've taken so long *fussyness*. And plus, it's only year 10. Some girls have bought really expensive dresses. Which is pretty stupid. I mean sure, for year 12, but year 10? Stupid rich bitches...
Hm...well I don't have that much to talk about, except school...today, I set the fire alarm off... redface Well not really, but beause in woodwork I was using that plytool thing-a-majig, you know that you can burn designs and stuff into the wood? Yeah well the teacher thought I set the fire alarm off! And he was trying to place the blame on me! When we were walking to the oval, he was walking behind talking to some girls in my class and was like if anyone asks, Jess set off the alarm! Lol, but anyway, after having to wait on the oval for the whooooole school to come out of the building, then fuss over what happened, we eventually went back to class. And the cause of the fire alarm, was in fact, a moth.

Anyway...I'm hungry.

Good day and goodnight. mrgreen
PandaSparkle · Fri Nov 04, 2005 @ 06:05am · 1 Comments |