Hi, welcome to LEXIP (try it backwards), my little art shop.
Read on if you're interested in purchasing some cute and cheap avi art.
Don't steal my art.
Do pay me for my art.
Art is 1500-2500 gold per avatar depending on complexity.
Animation is 500 extra.
Can do: male and female avatars, moderate clutter,
simple animations, conversation/thought bubbles,
side brackets (for forum posts), etc.
Can't do: crazy clutter, weird positions, backgrounds.
Basically, I'm new at this, so if you give me a request
I'll try my best to make you happy. If there are things you don't like,
I can go back and try to fix them.
Also, you have two bases to choose from, small and large:

Boobs can be removed for male avis. eek

Order by commenting on this entry, or on my profile, or PM it to me -- whateva.
Tell me:
Your username.
The avatar your would like to me to pixel-ize (give me a picture).
Any special requests: Items to include/exclude, animations, speech bubbles, etc.
I'll reply and suggest a price (1500-2500, plus 500 for animation) based on the amount of work it will take.