Before you see the pretty pictures, here is something about ItsReiko on Lawolf server.
This awsome guy has been playing Flyff for like 3 years now, or ever since it started.
He is not that good. But he is pretty famous.
He is not as fat as KillerCortiz.
Hero BP (Billposter). Grind whore. Has a girl ign(in game name). Etc etc.
Writes bs posts to have those 10k+ posts. Whatanub.
I have a private server Blade. Named Killa4Eva, wearing the Bloody set. Buff pl0x? =0 Or dieeeeee =DD I'll ******** you up good. >D

Clockworks on Demian (PK) server.

My RETIRED Bow Jester in Lawolf Server in Bow Mastery.

My RETIRED Knight in Demian PK Server. He's soooo innocent with that big halo. Isn't he?

My Ringmaster, AberCrombiE, wearing the Bloody Set.

My Billposter using Asmodeus. Pretty. <3