Let's observe the gif of Deputy Parrish's Police car being blown up first. Can you see anything that just doesn't look quite right?

(Use the blown up car picture for reference)
Now, I don't know about you, but it seems to me that something is a little off with the Deputy's car yeah? Say... the discernible shape of a familiar bird from the Harry Potter series?

If you get that I am in a roundabout way saying that Deputy Parrish is a Phoenix - you'd be correct. Though I speculate that Jordan doesn't actually know he is meaning he must still be very young in years, he must have been adopted when he was a child that left him without knowing about who he is as it is said that after 500 to 1000 years Phoenix's build a nest before bursting into flames thus giving birth to a new Phoenix.
As I have no idea how they'll play this out - I am left speculating so I'm just going to continue. Growing up, I would think he had a bit of difficulty with his body temperature so, as to cool himself, he'd need to regulate his body temperature until a certain point in time when his powers stabilized. After them stabilizing, his instincts told him (or he consciously made his own decision) to go into the Military to become apart of the "Hazardous Device Team".
Up until the end of Season 3.1, he was happy with his job until the Nemeton was activated, thus, has him leaving the Military based on the feeling of being drawn to Beacon Hills. Applying at the Police Station, he had lived his whole life unaware of what he truly is as an Elder Phoenix hadn't been there to teach him.
Of course, then again, he could know, but is keeping it hidden really well as he doesn't want any suspicions brought upon him. Taking him to Derek was just a way for him to, probably, test Derek's senses as Derek know's almost all about the common Supernatural beings. And, lastly, he could be trying to figure out if Scott's pack is trustworthy enough to keep his secret hidden even though Phoenix's were worshiped or look upon as good fortune in the past by various cultures and religions as Phoenix's are in many cultural myths in various places.
That's all from me - later days!
ChelseasDeadSmile · Wed Aug 20, 2014 @ 04:03pm · 0 Comments |