Daring, dangerous.
Hateful and foolish.
Painful, deadly and magical.
Annoying, spiteful, bloody, tearful and
Never there when I need it.
Stupid, indecisive, son-of-a-b***h emotion.
Always has me guessing about what happen next.
My Gluttonous, Greedy, Prideful, Vain, Wrathful, Envious, Lustful indulgence.
Love slaps me in the face. Again. Again.
Hurts me deep and kicks my a**.
Kisses me with its soft lips.
Makes me happy and nervous.
******** me over again.
Makes me blush.
Love is...

(My picture of the day)
I think this is what my REAL heart should look like.... ^-^
Tell me what you think... Please.
heart Stay Creative!