Still, by popular demand, here's a general list of things I'm hoping to achieve eventually, as I don't have a Christmas Wishlist per se. *checks thread subscription* Feels weird even posting this....SELONA. blaugh I am the ninja-quester. ninja
exclaim On The Rock Cousin! exclaim Custom SoA exclaim Felixi exclaim Wethkin exclaim Talaye exclaim Samanyr ;_; I wish they'd come back. exclaim Tall Tale exclaim Medusa exclaim Walrus Lurve exclaim Anima Elysian exclaim Farland Phoenix appointment exclaim Gambino and Gino cosplays of dern near anything you can stick shaggy eyebrows on. That includes any of the current SS shops. exclaim Other cosplays that depend on my flavor of the moment. domokun But, of course, I have Chrono Break to satisfy myself, if anything. xd
There's more, but I feel odd enough with a list this long. redface
For Christmas-specific? I love anything, especially the thought behind it. I'm a sucker for cosplay, as if that weren't obvious. And if you wanna give someone else something they want in my name, that's a double gift to me. heart
crying Now I feel all naked.
EDIT: heart heart heart Thanks so much to everyone who sent these!

Tara Jenkins · Fri Nov 25, 2005 @ 04:52am · 5 Comments |