Me and My life |
life is ups and downs and if you wanna knw about my life then read this |
XxMysterious ButterflyxX
Community Member
Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 12:39pm
Todaii horoscope: If you're feeling like a change in your love life, it could be that today will see the early signs of a new love affair, dear Zoey. Judgement and the Devil together indicate a happy event that could affect your emotional situation. It's time to spread your wings and share a moment of paradise! Professional success is coming your way today in the form of some good news - brought about by the benign influence of the Sun and Judgement. Finally, all your efforts seem to be bearing fruit, a big project is taking shape or even being successfully completed today. Go get some champagne and put it in the fridge. You may want to celebrate!
Queen of Swords:
Description: The Queen inwardly embodies the qualities of the suit of Swords, rendering her honest, objective, outspoken and direct. She is keen-minded and unbiased in her dealings with others, not one who is easy to fool. She recognizes the negative traits associated with this suit when she sees them, such as insensitivity, intolerance and arrogance, but doesn't allow herself to be pulled down to such levels herself. Drawing the Queen of Swords is a prompt to inwardly emulate her, thinking and feeling as she does. Ask, "Am I coming from a space of honesty, fairness, logic, and ethics or am I allowing myself to be judgmental, easily swayed, and unfeeling?" The Queen can also represent an actual person, male or female, who embodies her traits, or an atmosphere of clearheaded thinking. Reversed, this card can indicate one who comes across as being full of integrity. Yet, with time it will become evident that nothing is further from the truth
XxMysterious ButterflyxX
Community Member
Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 02:24am
More about me by astrology:
Your Life-Path number is probably the most influential numerological aspect to be considered, Zoey, and represents who you are at the time of birth. It indicates specific traits and will likely be active and influential throughout your lifetime. It is the overall number that determines much of what will be important to you and how you will handle things as they come.
If your Life-Path number is SIX, a sense of responsibility will likely be prominent for you. SIXES are considered to be the most domestic of numbers and live a path related to leadership through example. This assumption of responsibility generally means that as a SIX, you’re always there to help others in any way you can. In fact, you must need to feel useful in order to be truly happy.
Those with a SIX Life-Path are usually very versatile and can communicate across any generation gap. SIXES are idealistic and usually recognize that wisdom, understanding, and balance are the cornerstones to assume responsibility in the best possible way.
It is common for SIXES to be devoted to their families and homes. This is usually the first priority for a SIX with helping the community coming a close second. Key words for a SIX Life-Path are responsibility, protection, nurturing, community, balance, empathy, and family.
It can be challenging for some SIXES to take on the responsibility for what’s around them in a healthy balance. Careful planning and consideration for the self as well as others will alleviate feelings of overwhelm or guilt. Be careful not to be too critical or hard on yourself if you can’t do it all. Your path is one of assuming only what you are able.
Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 02:22am
My horoscope if you like to know my strenghts and weaknesses:
Element: Earth Mode: Mutable Ruler: Mercury Color: Beige, Marine Blue, Gray
Strengths: Analytic, competent, devoted, diligent, efficient, focused, level-headed, principled, reliable, systematic
Weaknesses: Critical, pedantic, pessimistic, petty, perfectionistic, prudish, reserved, suspicious, schoolmasterly, timid
As the sixth sign of the zodiac, you represent purity, perfection, and practicality, Zoey. Virgos put things in order to unify the world. Mercury, the planet of mental and intellectual principles, and ruler of Virgo, makes you a methodical and organized worker who brings an analytical, systematic approach to all facets of life. You project a serious image overall, one only strengthened by your problem-solving skills and fastidious refinement.
Yours is the second of the earth signs, Zoey, which makes you a dependable, responsible individual. You are reserved and modest in your behavior, and discriminating in your choices. You connect strongly to Mother Earth, and are therefore extremely health-conscious.
Virgo rules the sixth house of the horoscope, associated with the quality of work. Furthermore, this sector of the chart shows how you analyze, deal with, and communicate details. The sixth house also involves health matters in general.
Virgo's mode is mutable, which means that you are a levelheaded communicator who makes sure that whatever is being discussed is precise and accurate. Your role in a team is that of quality control.
XxMysterious ButterflyxX
Community Member